The Beach

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As dusk sets in on the beach, the sky painted in streaks of pinks, purples, and blues, Will sits on the sand in between El and Daniel by the fire pit. A steady fire burns, keeping them warm as the temperature drops. With his pointer finger, Will draws Mike's D&D character in the sand.

He flinches when a soccer ball smashes through his drawing and hits El on the leg. Blinking, she grasps the ball in her hands and glances around to figure out where it came from. A boy around their age runs up to them, stopping in front of El with a goofy smile on his face. "Sorry 'bout that." He holds a hand out for the ball, so El tosses it to him. Still standing in front of her, still smiling, he bounces the soccer ball in his hands.

El glances to Will, confusion on her face. Will gives her a shrug.

"Hi," the boy says, tucking the soccer ball under his arm and extending his hand to her. "I'm John."

She shakes his hand. "El."

"Nice to meet you, El."

"Hey, Johnny," another boy calls from down the beach, "you coming or what?"

John glances over his shoulder. "I gotta go... but I'll catch you later?"

El looks to Will. Laughing to himself, Will gives John a thumbs-up. "Yeah, she'll catch you later."

Grinning, John pats the soccer ball and gives them a nod. "Cool. See ya around." He rushes off to rejoin the boys playing soccer. Will and Daniel exchange looks and burst out laughing.

Turning an unopened soda can around in her hands, El furrows her eyebrows. "What is it?"

Daniel knocks her on the knee. "Looks like John's got the hots for you, Eleanor."

Her cheeks grow red. "The hots?"

Stifling his laughter, Will rolls his eyes. "He likes you."

"He does?"

"No duh!" Daniel says, hopping to his feet and grabbing a can of soda from the cooler. He pops it open and takes a sip from it. "You should go talk to him."

El lets out a laugh, but seeing the serious look on Daniel's face, she lowers her voice, eyeing Will. "Should I?"

Will shrugs, standing up next to Daniel. "If you want."

Curling her legs up to her chest, El's gaze shifts over to the boys playing soccer. "What do I say?"

Will watches John juggle the ball in the air. "Ask if he can show you how to do that with the ball."

El gets to her feet. "Why?"

"For fun."

She watches John run around with his friends. Taking a breath, she nods. "Okay. I'll talk to him."

"Good luck." Will smiles to her as she walks over to John. He and Daniel watch as she says something to him, and John gestures over his shoulder at the guys he's playing soccer with. The guys leave them, all going over to where a group of girls are huddled by the picnic tables. John juggles the soccer ball on his knees then hands it to El.

Will nudges Daniel. "Looks like it's working."

"Looks like it. Hey-" Meeting Will's eyes, Daniel jerks his thumb over his shoulder. "Wanna take a walk?"

"Oh... uh, sure." He falls in line beside Daniel, walking down the sand away from the fire. Shoving his hands in his pockets, he keeps his eyes on his feet as they walk.

Daniel stares at the moon coming up in the darkening sky. "Is Eleanor your step-sister or half-sister or something? I heard her calling your mom by her first name, so I was just wondering. I always thought you two were twins."

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