Interview With Rainjays

Começar do início

--"Angel Story": Dubbed Angel Story because it has no real title! It's not on Wattpad either. It's about an Angel, A vampire, a Goddess, a Mage, and a Dragon who have to save the universe, basically. There is a prophecy set in place that these five will either save the 5 planes from destroying not only themselves but the universe, plunging it into chaos, while sentencing the five of them to hell in the process, or living happily and going to Heaven once they die, but also destroying the universe in the process.  

2. Are any of those books completed?  And if so, which ones?:

None of them done :\  

3. Would you or have you ever put a book on hold indefinitely?:

At One With Blood is on hold and it's been on hold for quite some time now...  

4. Which of your book is/was your favorite to write, which do you update most often, which is the easiest to write for you and which do you dislike the most? (and why?):

To Tell a Lie is so far my favorite story; it's been the easiest write, and I update it frequently and it is tied for the most favorite one to write with my Angel Story thing- both of them are creative and I like being able to write mysterious things and create new ideas. However At One With Blood is the one I dislike the most, because it is a vampire novel and is up to a lot of critique, and also because being a vampire novel, a different kind of vampire novel, it is incredibly hard to write.  

5. How long does it usually take you to write a complete chapter, editing included if you do edit?:

An hour or so at best, including break time, a couple of days at worst, also including breaktime. In total it only takes me around 1-2 hours of actual writing.  

6. If you could recommend one of your books for someone to read, completed or in progress, which would it be?:

To Tell a Lie.  

7. What's your favorite part of a book to write?:

The action scenes or even more, the mystery scenes. Where you foreshadow some of the plot for the audience.   

8. What is your least favorite part to write?:

The dull filler.  

9. Is there a book (possibly not even posted on an eBook site) that you are embarrassed to have even THOUGHT about writing?:

Well.. At One with Blood is a little embarrassing  and a couple other vampire stories.. Mostly I end up thinking all of my stories are dumb after awhile.  

10. How many other eBook/Writing websites do you use to post your stories and which ones are they?:

Just this one, although I may start posting on other sites at a later date.  


10 Questions About What You Think of Wattpad!  

1. What was the first thought in your mind when you found this eBook-ing website?:

I thought it was interesting enough. Allowed writing, copyrighting, covers, which was all cool and advertising, which was the bomb.  

2. After first starting Wattpad, how easy was it for you to figure out how to use it?:


3. If you could change one thing about Wattpad or the Wattpad App, what would it be?:

Can it be less glitchy?  

4. What's your favorite thing about Wattpad?:

.. Advertising. :)  

5. Whose your favorite author on here, and what's your favorite book written by them?:

Cold_Lady19 and her book Chained  

6. How many fans is the perfect number for you?:

I don't really care how many I have. I have more than I have dedicated readers, though. I would love to JUST have dedicated readers.  

7. What do you think should be done to make less-popular authors on here, more popular?:

Tough question. Perhaps there should be a section of critique-ers that go around, reviewing stories and if they are really good undiscovered gems, they should get put on the front page or maybe an email sent out.  

8. What's your favorite genre of book to read on here?:

I kinda like the romance but the fantasy is most enjoyable on Wattpad.  

9. What 'Undiscovered Gem' on Wattpad do you recommend most for reading (yours or someone elses)?:

Uhmmm.. How about the Art of Having Hyperthymesia by someone else.   

10. And over all, what would you rate Wattpad (on a score of 1-10) and if you’ve used any other eBook-ing websites, how do they compare?:

Maybe a 6.5 because of all it's glitches.


10 Rather Random Questions!  

1. Can you unjumble this word:  rfsca



2. Fill in the blank: I want to bite a ___________?


3. What's your favorite symbol that you can make on the keyboard?:


4. What is your favorite word?:

lalala, hola, or something stupid like Brownie, pie, or any other weird sounding words.

5. What's your astrological sign?:


6. Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets?:


7. Do you like scary movies?:

Depends on the movie....

8. Who is your favorite character ever invented (in books, movies, anime, etc)?:

Lightning Farron  

9. How many pillows do you sleep with?:

Uhm.. body pillow, head pillow, cuddle pillow, left side pillow, and sometimes I use one of my 3 others.

10. Have you ever owned a yo-yo, and if so, how good were you with it?:

I tried it before and I'm awful at it..

Interview With The Author [Book Two: Completed]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora