short skirt, high heels pt 1

Start from the beginning

"Hi, you must be Aaron Hotchner," I looked up at him before introducing myself. "I didn't mean to cause a scene," I looked back out in front of us. Everyone was back at their work, even the people at the desk. All except for one person.

A man, who was with the group around the desk, was staring at me. Not near me or at Aaron, but right at me. It was just obvious that he was staring at me. His eyes carefully lingering on my legs, or arms, or my chest for the briefest second. But never long enough on my face. Although when he did look at my face, I smiled and winked. His face grew three shades red.

"No, no, don't worry. I understand the hustle and bustle of this place," Aaron laughed before turning to look at me, "Let's step inside my office."

So, that's where I was work-wise. Working on the team with the BAU, with the man who stared at me and became a tomato the second I winked at him. Ah, good ole' Spencer Reid. That boy doesn't even know he's infatuated with me... But I do.

I've had my fair share of flirts with him, and scandalous comments made about the two of us. Or, the jokes and teasing made by others. Although, our friendship always had some sort of flirtiness to it, even if he didn't notice he was flirting with me. There was still something there. I smiled at the thought of him being so oblivious and clueless.

Derek giving him pointers or tips was my favorite. The help was nice, honestly. But, it was the execution. It was a little sad when Derek left to be with Hank and Savannah, leaving poor Spencer to fend for himself. Of course, Rossi tried but no really let Spencer listen.

I could hear his voice now when he told Derek and David that he didn't need tips or pointers, because 'He doesn't have a crush on her.' They never really gave up on that though.

"Seems like you've caught someone's attention," Emily muttered as she looked down at the desk. I glanced over my shoulder and noted that the eyes one Spencer Reid were wandering up and down my lower half and backside. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't dressing for a guy. I mean, I dress mostly for myself. But the unwanted, yet wanted, attention from one guy was excellent.

"And he says he doesn't have a crush on me," I looked back at Emily with a smile. She laughed as she looked at the paperwork I was signing. "Do you think he even knows he's staring?" I spoke as I placed the pen down on the desktop.

"I don't think he knows he likes you," she replied, finally shuffling the papers together in a neat pile. I scoffed and shook my head. "C'mon, you know Reid. He's got the innocence of a 1st grader when it comes to relationships and romance," she laughed as she stood up straight.

"True, this is true," I returned the laughter as I stood up so I was no longer leaning over my desk. "All done with paperwork?" I asked, smiling at Emily.

"For now, I hope," she laughed as she picked up the papers. "Good luck with you know who," she spoke in a sing-y song tone before slipping away to her office. I looked back over my shoulder and smiled when I saw that Spencer was still staring at me.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer," I winked once he looked up at my face. And I swear, his face changed several different shades of red as he looked at me. He went from looking normal to looking like Roma Tomato. I didn't feel bad about my joke either. It wasn't the first time I'd caught him staring at me. "Or just close your eyes and use your robot brain to take a picture," I smirked at him.

"I... I wasn't staring," Spencer muttered as he pulled his eyes from my body to look at his own paperwork. I slowly walked away from my desk and over towards him. I leaned over so I was the same height as him. But, that also gave him a great look at my cleavage. I smirked when he struggled to not stare at my chest.

"Sure you weren't," I placed my hand to his cheek and smiled. For a moment he leaned more into my touch, but instantly jerked away from my hand, "It's okay, you weren't staring at me. I get it." I smiled and cocked my head, "I know how I look. I'd stare too if I was you," I pulled my hand away from his face before sitting down in his lap. Spencer held his hands up so he wasn't touching me at all. I had to force myself not to pout. I'd be okay if he touched me in any way, innocent, not innocent... Doesn't matter.

"What are you doing!? There are people here! Watching!" He exclaimed once I was settled on his legs. I smiled and nodded.

"I know, I know," I whispered as I wrapped my arms around his neck, "But, the next time I catch you staring at my ass, I'm gonna do a lot worse than sitting on your lap, Reid," I smiled and blinked at him. He stared at me and nodded slowly, like even though he understood the words I was saying, he knew he wasn't going to follow through with them.

It was impressive how his face got even redder. But it was crazy. I kinda liked it too.

"Do you understand?" I whispered as I looked at him. He nodded. I smiled again before I stood up. "I'd understand if you look again, I won't be upset. In fact, I'll encourage it, Spence," " I kept smiling at him as I walked away from him.

I returned to my desk and gathered my things before I left the office for the day. As I looked over my shoulder, Spencer was definitely staring at me, and he knew I definitely caught him. So, I smiled before winking and waving as the elevator doors shut.


"O'Keefes anyone?" Luke asked as we stepped off the elevator. I rolled my shoulders and looked at him with a somewhat flirtatious smile. He returned the smile and winked.

"I'm always down to go to O'Keefes with you, Lukey Poo," I cooed as I pinched his cheek. A groan came from the back of the group, causing me to turn and look. A smile grew on my lips when my eyes landed on Spencer, who had rolled his eyes and looked away from Luke and I. "You comin' with us, Pretty Boy? First-round on me?" I smiled at him.

"I'm definitely in if you're buying drinks," Jennifer looked at me before stepping ahead of Luke and I. I smiled at her before looking back at Spencer.

"Pretty please," I half begged as I pouted my lower lip and gave my best puppy dog eyes. Spencer looked back at me, a pointed stare in his eye. I gave him my best puppy dog eyes and playful pout as I looked at him. "You don't even have to drink. You can just sit there and be quiet," I spoke before abruptly stopping in my tracks. And just as I turned around, Spencer walked right into me. In order to keep me from toppling over, he grabbed both my arms to keep me upright. His hands were touching the exposed skin on my arms, causing me to smile. This would be the first time he was touching me, off of a case. Working on a case is a whole different story. Pulling me out of the way of an unsub is different than firmly placing his hands on my arms to steady me from falling.

"You need to be more careful... I won't always be there to catch you when you fall," he spoke low just so I could hear him. I smiled as I looked up at him.

"But, I'd love it if you were there," I lifted a hand to place on his chest. Just as he opened his mouth, someone appeared beside us. I smiled as I looked over at the person.

"Will you two just get a room already?" Emily looked between Spencer and I before leaving us alone. I looked back up at Spencer with a new, confident, and flirtatious smile. He looked clueless as always. Of course, he didn't know what Emily meant by that.

"Whaddya say we go find a broom closet and show up to O'Keefes a little later than the others," I carefully wrapped my arms around his neck. Even in my highest heels, Spencer was still a good few inches taller than me. So, I stood on my toes to try to get closer to his personal space and lean closer to his face. "I know where some great broom closets are to get... funky in," I whispered as I leaned closer to him. We were a good few inches away from each other, and it was taking everything in me to not press my lips to his.

"I... I, uh... Uh," Spencer started, but clearly couldn't find the words to say anything. I smiled before lifting a finger to his lips.

"Just a nod or a shake of your head will be okay... And, if you say no, I won't be upset. I'll stop and I won't bring it up again... Now, Doctor Reid," I whispered as I pulled my finger away from his lips. "Do you want to go find a broom closet and have some fun in there?" I asked again. Spencer stared at me with wide eyes before rapidly nodding. I put my arms back around his neck before pressing my lips to his. Spencer placed his hands firmly on my waist.

And after 8 years of working here, I'm finally getting what I want. 

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