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I was taken a back by what he had said. My father was somehow involved in all this. "I thought you said no more secrets." I say glaring at him while we get out of the car so he can see the damages.

He was upset, "look at me Kun" i walk over to him but he takes Areum out of the car and walks inside the house ignoring me. Why was he mad at me. Dad never told me anything he prefers to ignore my existence anyways. Frowning I walk into the house to see all of his friends inside. Great now more people to deal with, "noona," Jaemin walks up to me as I push him away stomping to my room.

If he was going to ignore me so was I.

No ones POV

The boys watched her go to her room and slam the door shut. It was shocking to see her upset since Kun always told them how sweet and understanding she is. "Did you get the guy" Kun says cutting some fresh grapes for his daughter. "Never mind that why is your wife so upset at you," Jaehyun says.

Jaemin was also curious, he knew his sister could be scary when she was upset. Before Kun responded she came back into the living room grabbed Areum and the grapes. "I don't trust my daughter around murders," she harshly says glaring at her husband. Over the span of their 3 year marriage this was the first big fight they've had.
"I promised her I wasn't going to keep any secrets from her but I lied so she's mad," Kun finally says when they hear the door close. "Did you tell her about my dad?" Jaemin asks seeing how she was mad at him too.

"She's my wife I told her everything, about us about people trying to kill her but when I asked her about her dad she just got more upset," Kun says feeling defeated.
"Dude you didn't know so it's fine, but dad doesn't treat y/n like his daughter he pushes her aside and just acts like she doesn't exists," Jaemin says revealing the truth between the relationship with her father. Kun had now connected the dots, he found it weird how they didn't target Jaemin but her. Her father is selling her out and using her as bait.

"Dammit I messed up," he says looking at the boys so they could help him. "She doesn't like us so we can't do much," Lucas says walking out the door followed by Yuta and Jisung. "We caught the guy so we are bringing him in for questioning," Mark says leaving him alone.

Once everyone left he made his way to the bedroom. Despite being upset she didn't lock the door. He slowly opened it to find her and his daughter soundly asleep. He laid down next to the two stroking her hair. She slowly turned around to finally face him. "Babe sorry" they both said at the same time. "I don't have a good relationship with my dad so just the thought of him makes me upset," she says moving forward as he embraces her. "It's my fault too I was just shaken up that they want to harm you and Areum so I took it out on you" he says leaning in to kiss her.

This is what marriage is like, you either fight and get mad at each other but at the end of the day you will still love each other. "Why is Jaemin working for Taeyong when he has my dad's company?" I ask him while he's cuddling into my chest. "Jaemin doesn't agree that your dad is in this mess so he wants to get him out an any cost," he says. I never really knew my dad I just thought his company made really good snacks.

I had so many questions, "one more question I promise," I tell him. He chuckles tilting his head for our eyes to meet. "What does my dad do?" He tilts his head and looks away from me. It was something bad I know it, "he is connected to some drug dealers, owes them money or something like that," I don't reply it made so much sense why he was so secretive and never made time for his family.

"Okay I'll tell you more tomorrow, let's cuddle!" Kun says engulfing me in a hug closing his eyes to sleep. Areum was in between us so she wouldn't fall off the bed.

Thinking about my mom wondering if she knew about these things sent me off to sleep.

A couple days later

I sat at the edge of my bed putting my make up on while the two of them slept. Although Kun had a plan in mind to make them stop i was making a plan of my own as well. And today was a good day to set it in motion. I have to admit it's a little reckless but they can't do anything if I'm around my mom.

"Babe?" I hear Kun groan as he moves his hand to my side of the bed. When he doesn't feel me he gets up making sure he didn't wake Areum up. He smiles when he sees me, "where are you going dressed so pretty." He says crawling on the bed to give me my morning kiss. We share a sweet kiss, "it's my moms birthday remember," he nods getting out of bed. "Meaning your dad is gonna be there" he says with a smirk on his face.

As much as I thought of it this all started when I got married to him. Father never bothered to show up so Kun's dad walked me down the aisle. He was upset that I was getting married to someone who was according to him not of a good family. "Babe is my dad a good guy or a bad guy?" Kun shrugs. "I'd say he's a good guy caught up with some bad people," he says walking into the closet to choose his things out.

To my family my mom's birthday was a special event so a big party was held every year. Although she's not a big fan of big parties she would rather have me, my family and Jaemin attend. "The guys are going" Kun comes out of the bathroom putting on his tie. "For protection I suppose?" I say putting Areum in my arms to change her into her dress. "That and those guys might show up so it's our chance to get them" I nod feeling nervous about everything. "Just don't get involved" he nods kissing my temple.

As we made our way to the backyard of my parents house Kun was helping Areum walk. She was happily holding onto his fingers taking small steps.

"My precious baby!" Mom comes up to us taking Areum in her arms sweetly kissing her. She looks at both of us, "Kun lovely to see you" she says taking his hand and leading him to the party. The party had barely started but dad was not here. "Hey we have a problem~" Ten comes up to Kun. "Mother please excuse me," he says giving me a look of reassurance as he followed Ten into the house.

They had found my dad slump over in his office dead.

It's been so long since I updated but hope you enjoyed this.

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