The Big Reveal

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First of all we would like to thank everyone for all of the likes and comments and actually reading our story it's awesome!!


I walk to the door and burst inside. I know I'm being a bit harsh but, he has betrayed my trust and my love for him. I feel like I can't trust him anymore. A marriage is based on trust and I know he will do this over and over again. I'm done trying to make him a husband.

Sitting at the couch, lo and behold, Zaryab.

"Aleena please, give me another chance." He pleads. I ignore him.

I walk straight through the house picking up everything I see that is mine. He follows me and pleads the whole way. When I get to our bedroom I pause a bit before walking inside and grabbing my stuff.

Shoving it into a suitcase I found in the closet I walk out. He grabs my arm and I shake him off but stop.

"Please let me explain Aleena." he pleads.

"What is there to explain Zaryab." I say coldly. I shiver even listening to myself.

His hand, still lingering after I shook it off, drops to his side and he stands there.

"Nothing to explain." he says blankly.

"I know, you betrayed my trust, you did, over and over again. You betrayed me. I'm just not giving you the chance to do it again."

"I can change."

I laugh, "and how many times have I heard that before."

"I don't know what you want me to say."

"Nothing Zaryab! We're over and you're not changing that, okay?! Just leave me alone!" Tears are threatening to spill over and I look down.

I walk downstairs and walk out. I didn't even take off my shoes or jacket. Just walked in and out. I'm glad he cleaned the living room.


I usually video chat with Amira every Saturday and update her on my week but since we had the party I arranged for Sunday. I connect the video camera and Amira's smiling face pos up along with Hina.

"Hey Aleena!" they both say and I smile and wave.

"Hey you guys how are you?" they frown at each other and then Hina asks.

"Aleena, where are you?" Oh.

With a deep breath I explain everything. They look concerned as I spill my guts and offer me comfort. Finally I tell them about my latest situation.

"I think I'm pregnant."

They both gasp. "Zaryab...?"

"Of course Zaryab!" I shriek.

"Wait, you...think?" Amira asks and I nod.

"I can't take the test, I'm too afraid of the result. I'm terrified that it will be positive and then what am I going to do!" I wail.

"Take it and deal with it as it comes Aleena!" Amira says and Hina nods. After we finish with my topic I ask Amira about her groom and she blushes. She doesn't say anything but Hina speaks up.

"He's such a hunk!" and I laugh.

"Hina!" I scold while laughing, "lower your gaze!"

"I did!" she says, "it was only one glance!"


"A few..." she mumbles.

We all burst out laughing and Amira backs Hina up.

"He is really hot." she whispers.

"Why are we whispering?" I whisper back and she shrugs.

"It just seemed fitting." she replies speaking normally. Amira tells us all about the wedding preparations and I can tell she is really happy. I'm glad.

"Oh Aleena you must come!" Amira says and I nod vigorously.

"I would love to!" A vacation with Amira and Hina is what I need.

"I'll text you the date and what to bring." She says ending the conversation. I turn it onto Hina but I realize its already 10:30 I should get to sleep.

"Hina why did you go to Pakistan anyways?" I say and she clams up.

"I uh needed a change umm of scenery." She mutters and I nod suspiciously. When I wait for more patiently she doesn't say anything but instead dismisses herself. I look at Amira and her brow is furrowed.

"Amira you know something!"

"I can't tell you though, I thought you knew..."

"I don't so please tell me it's her sister."

"I would A but I promised to say nothing to anyone, that includes you."

I start to say something but Amira cuts me off.

"It's late there so go to sleep. But promise you will find out if your pregnant tomorrow, okay?" and then before I respond she signs off.

Suspicious I know but if Amira can't tell me of all people there is a good reason, I won't pester her. But I don't sleep, I walk to the store immediately. I'm ready. I am going to do it. See if I'm pregnant.

Picking it up I walk home breathing in the brisk air. As soon as I get to my hotel room I open the package. I need to figure this out.


I run. Through the cold air, I run.

Rain falls down to the ground around me and I rejoice from the coolness on my cheeks. The light splatter is enough to satisfy my heaving lungs and I keep running.

But the rain keeps raining, harder and harder until I can't run in it anymore and I have to walk to get through it. But I keep going. I go until I see the lights of the porch and I stand there.

I knock on the door and he opens it. I lean down putting my hands on my knees breathing heavily. I finally look up.

Tears stream down my face as I look at him, mixing with rain and fixing onto the hair that has escaped my hijab and has plastered onto my face.

He stares at me some more waiting for what I have to say.

"I'm pregnant." he stands still again. Not moving until finally he stands back and pulls the door open, beckoning me inside to the warm light inside.


Oooooh cliffhanger kinda!

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Next update is tomorrow!

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