Then, everyone panicked. They rushed to get back into the bus, only to have their hopes crushed by Pixie-bob, who slammed her paws onto the dirt floor, the dust rising and throwing the students off the cliff.

"Feel free to use your quirks as you see fit!" Mandalay screamed down from the top of the cliff. "This is private land, so you won't get in trouble for it! You have three hours to get into the facility!"

Madara had skidded down the cliff cleanly, unlike the others that had been tossed off by the wave of earth. He nonchalantly patted off his uniform and removed his blazer and his tie.

It was quiet for a while as class 1-A pulled themselves back together. It was a quiet that didn't last long-- a roar rippled through from the depths of the forest, and a dirt beast (Madara's words), stomped out from the maze of trees.

The woman, Pixie-bob, was it? From what he could tell, she was most likely the culprit responsible. Her quirk seemed to correspond with the earth or land.

The class, to their credit, quickly sprung into action to destroy the obstacles that stood in their way.

time skip

The sun was close to setting. The heroes had stood by silently as the time slowly passed, waiting for their arrival. Only one had made it in time, and it had surprised the hero duo a bit. The kid had just looked unimpressed and scoffed.

At 5:30, the remaining hero students started to trickle into the area.

"Finally, you're here!" Pixie-bob exclaimed too cheerfully for the groaning kids. Their clothes were smothered in dirt and their limbs were exhausted to the point of collapse.

"A little over two hours my ass, " Sero complained, clutching his elbow in agony.

A whine came from Kirishima behind him. "I think I'm going to starve to death."

"My bad," Mandalay responded. She didn't sound particularly apologetic at all. "A little over two hours was our standard time, but one of you did manage to do it."

The ears of 1-A pricked at the information, but shifted their attention to Pixie-bob, who by now had tried to kiss four of their classmates.

"Has she always been like this?" Aizawa asked Mandalay, looking mildly concerned.

Mandalay sighed. "Just started recently, she's at the age where she should have found a spouse."

"Speaking of age--" Midoriya piped up, only to be interrupted by a paw gripping the top of his head. He gulped, the threat of a crushed skull shutting him up instantly.

"What about age?" The blonde hero whispered threateningly through gritted teeth.

Midoriya stuttered, pointing at Kouta. "I-I was just wondering, who's kid is that?"

Kouta was looking away, disinterested in their conversation and them in general.

"Oh," Mandalay began. "this is my nephew, Kouta." She gestured towards him.

Midoriya, having escaped Pixie-bob's grip, walked towards the boy, attempting to introduce himself.
He got a punch in the groin as a reward.

Clearly, the kid had no interest in interacting with him or anyone in their class.

"Enough talk," Aizawa called, breaking the fight that was about to erupt between Bakugo and Todoroki. "Once you settle into your rooms, grab some dinner from the hall. After that, take a bath and relax. The real deal starts tomorrow. Get a move on."

From the corner of his eye, Eraserhead stared at his student, Uchiha, who finished before the others and was currently resting on a tree branch.
'I swear, when will this kid open up.'

'I swear,' He told himself. 'I will get that kid to open up.'

His words were left unspoken, and it was probably for the best, or he would have just wasted his energy as it would have made no difference to Madara.


The morning arrived sooner than expected for the class. It was clear that the majority were not used to waking up at such a time.

"Bakugou, take this." Aizawa tossed him a softball that the blonde caught with ease.

"..." Bakugo looked at it with little to no interest.

He grinned at the next words that came out of his teacher's mouth.

"Toss it."

The blonde winded up his arm, then...

"Go... to hell!" With full power, Bakugo blasted it away, the power of his throw creating a breeze that blew into his classmates' faces.

"709.6 meters." Aizawa commentated blandly.

"Huh? That wasn't long as we expected to be..." Sero whispered.

Aizawa turned to his students. "Within these three months, you've gained a lot of experience-- and of course, you grew. But that growth was all physical and mental." Their teacher walked in front of them, looking into every one of their eyes. "So, starting today, we will focus on growing your quirks."

A smile they were very familiar with made it towards their teacher's face and the class took a step back in fear.

"I will be pushing you beyond your limits, so try not to kick the bucket on me."

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