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A/n: Warning!

There will be a lot of descriptive and disturbing mentions of blood. Reader discretion is advised!


He was a mystery to himself.

Yes, a mystery. He didn't know who he was, or why he was chosen to lead a species that thrives off of suffering.

What he did know was that he didn't have emotions. Unlike a human, he could no longer cry, laugh, or feel happiness.

And most certainly not the feeling of love. It was out of the question.

It was deemed impossible. He couldn't feel empathy, much less the feeling of love.

...Or could he? Was there love inside of him, trapped inside for years?


Player's perspective~


I was trapped in a living nightmare.

All I felt was pain. The pain of being brutally stabbed in the eye.

There wasn't time for me to cry, or shout out in pain. I collapsed instantly.

My head started to get cloudier. I thought I was going to pass out.

I could feel warm blood streaming out of my eyes. It didn't hurt.

It stung a bit, but the pain almost immediately subsided into a feeling I couldn't describe.

It was almost... peaceful.

Finally, after many moments, I felt a surge of strength. I stood up, clutching my eyes.

I cautiously open them. Big mistake.

My scream echoed. More blood from my eyes dripped onto my fingers.

The room went silent. A cold breeze swept past me, blowing a bit of blood off my fingers.

My eyes ached.

I sobbed a bit, the tears mixing with the blood in my eyes. It stung, but I couldn't stop weeping.

My hands were firmly pressed over my closed eyelids. The blood finally stops flowing.

"Open your eyes," his voice commanded. I didn't.

He repeats it, this time, a lot louder. "Open them, human. Or must I open them for you?"

I open my eyes slowly, trying my hardest to avoid the strong burning sensation. I could barely see-- everything was fuzzy and distorted.

The only thing I could see clearly was No-Visor's unamused floating figure. He glared at me, impatient.

"That was utterly pathetic," he exclaims, "I showed you mercy. I used the sharpest knives so that you'd feel less pain, yet you couldn't even handle that."

"S-Sorry...," I mumble, trying my hardest not to close my eyes. A small drop of blood drips out of my right eye socket. 

The other five no-visors leave their knives on the ground and exit the room, leaving the No-Visor and me alone.

"Stay here," he commands, before disappearing.

I sat down on the cold floor, wiping away the excess blood out of my eye socket.

My eyes no longer throbbed. My vision was almost completely restored.

The room echoed a bit. Every movement I made reflected back to me.

A familiar cool gust of wind hits my body. Moments later, No-Visor stood before me. He hands me a platter of food before he disappears again.

It was a small, yet fancy bowl of pasta. There weren't any utensils, but I could honestly care less. I was starving.

I totaled the bowl within a minute, sighing in content as I finish.

I wasn't full, but I was much less hungry than I was moments ago.

Plus, it actually tasted really good. Even Captain couldn't cook this well.


Corrupted's perspective~


He screamed, his voice echoing off the walls. I crossed my arms, rolling my non-existent eyes.

Blood streamed out of his eye sockets. He sobbed, and the river flowed a bit faster.

It took about a minute to get himself together. I was starting to get extremely impatient.

"Open your eyes," I command. He doesn't.

I started to get pissed. "Open them, human. Or must I open them for you?"

His eyes slowly flutter open. I could tell that he was trying his hardest to ignore the pain.

"That was utterly pathetic. I showed you mercy-- I used the sharpest knives so that you'd feel less pain, yet you couldn't even handle that."

He manages to peep an "S-Sorry..."

I debate with myself whether I should toss him back into his cell. That's when I remembered that humans required food to survive.

If I didn't need to observe him, I would've left him to die.

Consider him lucky.

"Stay here," I command, before teleporting into Earth. 

I turn invisible and steal a bowl of food from a vendor. He shouts out loud, visibly confused. I roll my eyes and teleport back into my throne room.

I hand the small human the platter of food before teleporting away to find a victim. It wasn't that difficult, quite honestly.

A small, white-suited crewmate was doing his tasks. He hummed to himself, closing the wire box.

He had a toilet paper roll as a hat and had a small mini-crewmate walking beside him.

I wait for the young crewmate to exit, before infecting the white-suited crewmate. He screamed for a moment but was silenced as he became one of us.

I return back into my throne room, growling a bit about little nothings.

I was surprised to see the red-suited human still there. I had half expected him to attempt to escape.

As I floated a bit closer, I noticed that he was unconscious.

...Well, that explains why he's still here.

He was curled up in his own little ball. There were a few drops of his blood stained on the floor.

He whimpered a bit as he slept. He shivered and tightened his arms around himself.

Something about that struck something inside of me. A sudden wave of emotion swept over me for a moment. For a moment, I felt something.

But that moment passed quickly.

Small whispers in my head told me to ignore it.


"No, no, stop! Leave me alone! Stop!"

"Get me out of here! I don't want to be here alone... Please!"

My head started to throb a bit. What are these visions? Who is that?

Then, it stopped. The vision disappeared.


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