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And I'm here.

yet again.

Is suffering indefinite? 

I deal with pain through metaphors, I compare my hurt to drowning and wish I burned instead. 
I cry tears and I feel like I can breathe. I can reduce my pain, I can tame the hurt.

I hold the cigarette to my mouth. One last drag.

I throw it and watch the light disappear. It stops burning. I hoped there were no dry leaves around, somehow I'm always scared of setting things on fire.

Somehow, I manage to be the victim again. Is it just a part of life? 

I felt my head getting heavy and I slept. 

"she's out", it was announced.

my head was spun, and a sharp pain went through my heart. a stab in the back. by a friend.

I was drowning. The feelings coming up to my lips, not going out and somehow filling my entire body with no room to breathe.

"she's into you", 

you are one to know, aren't you?

I'd like to live my life, in a balance of nature. I don't wish to burn and I don't wish to drown while I see those around me enjoying a perfect biosphere.

Where does their hurt go? they hide it well.

Why am I drowning? how long can i hide it?

Drowning in My ThoughtsWhere stories live. Discover now