Start from the beginning

Then a black 3 lined black adidas sweatshirt caught Sunwoo's eye
"Do you think I should get this?" He asked her

"Oh yes!" Rosè said

"You know just because you're sponsored by adidas doesn't mean you have to say yes... but then again I was gonna get it whether you said yes or no" Sunwoo said sticking out his tongue

"I-" she said but got cut off
"Come on let's go!" Sunwoo said pulling rosè to the cashier resister

As Rosè was about to buy her stuff, Sunwoo stopped her by taking her card.

"Hey give it back?!" She yelled

"Nope I'm buying.." he replied with laughter

"Ugh you always do this!" She said

"I mean what kind of gentlemen let's his girl-
I mean friend buy yk what I'm gonna stop talking" Sunwoo said pulling his card out swiping his card

"Here's your receipt... have a nice day!" The cashier worker said as the "besties" smile while leaving the store

Time skip

Everyone had been doing there own thing but Jungkook and Lisa has been the clingiest couple ever. They held hands all the time and never left each other's site. And they were always PDA.

"Mmm" Lisa said breaking the kiss between Jungkook and hers

"Wanna go get lunch before the show starts?" Jungkook insisted

"Ooo yess! But we gotta bring Jisoo back some chicken...I lost our bet" Lisa said

"Haha okay! Let's go.." Jungkook getting up from the couch pulling Lisa up

[Jennie and Juyeon]

Juyeon had taken Jennie to the arcade cause Jennie is very competitive and Juyeon missed when Jennie would beat him in everything..which she did.

"You are really good at playing games aren't you?" Juyeon said

"Depends on what kind of games you are thinking of.." she said back

Juyeon's mouth dropped cause he was shock she would say something like that.

"Haha I'm kidding!" Jennie said laughing punching Juyeon's shoulder

Juyeon started to chuckle "yeah okay"

"This was really fun! Thank you." Jennie said

"Yeah it's no problem. I lov-" Juyeon said pausing

"Sorry I forgot we don't say that anymore.." he said to her

Jennie looked up at his eyes "it's okay.. and I'm sorry too for everything I put you through. I don't deserve to have someone as cool as you." Jennie said smiling

"It's okay. I forgive you." Juyeon smiled at her bringing her into a embrace

Jennie's POV

Juyeon's embrace felt so soothing, I missed his hugs a lot. He smelt like that one bleu De Chanel cologne I would always buy him.
Which made me smile because he still uses it.

We hugged for a min and I didn't want it to end. He was warm and smelt good.

I know I'm still with Kai but some urge is telling me that he isn't the one I thought he was. And maybe Juyeon is the only one for me.. maybe I'm falling for him again..

End of POV

As they both got out of the embrace..they looked up at each other. Juyeon then began to smile. But Jennie was frozen.

Jennie's eyes went from his eyes down to his soft pink lips. She went closer and closer to him till there chests were touching.

Juyeon's face was in shocked about how close they were.

Jennie's hand had moved up behind his head. She leaned closer and closer to his face as there lips were brushing against each other's.

"Jennie we can't do this.. you have a boyfri" Juyeon said but before he could finish, he was interrupted by a small soft pair of lips

They had a passionate kiss. It was something they both haven't felt in awhile and they missed the feeling of both of there lips on to each other's.

They stopped kissing and got a gasps of air for smiling.

"Sorry I shouldn't have done that.. I just couldn't help myself-" Jennie said

"It's okay. It was nice. But we can't anymore until you figure out your feelings. And besides you have a boyfriend. And I can't do this cause it feel wrong. But I'm still in love you with Jennie.. I never stopped." He brought a lazy smile and grabbed her hand

She nodded "we should go.. we don't wanna be late for our show..."

"Yeah.." He said as they left the arcade place.

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