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Third person:
It was a early Monday as usual the kids have there first day of school, senior year.
They all had a great summer together, now let's see how this year turns out.

Juyeon's (you) POV:
Alarm clock goes off
It's 7AM in the morning. I'm so drenched in sweat from last night. My AC was broken so it was pretty hot.
But hey today is a new year, where I bug and tease Jennie. The love of my life.
Jennie doesn't really know that I like her. I mean there's been rumors but she's too oblivious to realize. I'm super obvious about it too!
But this year is different. I'm planning on making this year special for Jennie and I. And I'm gonna ask her out. I don't know when but soon I hope.

Ding ding
*text message from sunwoo*

YOO you awake?
                                                Well of course!
Hmm okay just wondering
See you at school?
                                                 You know it !

Time skip

It was now time for school. Everyone wondered around, some in the cafeteria eating breakfast. Some in the basketball court area. Some even already in there classrooms.

Juyeon's POV
I walked to school, since it was a new day I didn't know where exactly my locker was. I stopped by the office to get my paper I needed to show where my locker was located at.
Locker 378
I walked down a few halls searching for my locker. And the bam I found it. But funny thing was I saw her. My best friend, my one and only, my crush, the girl of my dreams, Jennie Kim.
She was next to my locker, like exactly next to it. Which made me feel excited since now I get to see her everyday during passing periods.

"Hey is that my really pretty cute bestie?" As I called our  smiling with my dimples as always.
She looked very shocked to see me.

"Omg hey! You found me?!" As she said with her beautiful brown eyes and cute smile.

"Well actually I didn't find you, this paper did with my locker number on it.." as I said sarcastically with a smirk

"Hmm new year and you still haven't changed. But no way were locker buddies!"
She jumps and hugs me

"Aren't you lucky? Especially since I'm like the cutest boy in school" I say as smile still hugging her. She smells so nice. Like daisy's with that Chanel perfume

"*sniffs* wow you smell like really good" I say and then realize..
"Uhh did I say that out loud?!"

*jennie moves away from hug* "mhmm thanks? Anyways what class do you have?"

"Uh I have science with Mr. Harrison. You?"
As I gave her a confused look

"Wait same LOL" as she replied.


"Well there's the bell shall we head to class my lady?" I said to her with a smirk as I bow and start chuckling

"First of all I'm not you girl..you wish and second of all let's go before I leave you" she said as she rolls her eyes and begins to walk

Jennie's POV
Juyeon's being super annoying, well it's not the first time. He's like full of himself well I guess he's just confident? Anyways I know he likes me but I don't like him like that.. I just try to show him that I don't know he likes so that he doesn't get all shy and weird
I just don't know for sure if I do like him. When I'm with him he makes me laugh and smile but he also annoys me.
I just love the fact that he gives me his dimple smile. He only gives that smile to people he loves. So he loves me I guess? Well a-least that's what he said when we were 13.
I've known him for quite some time now. Since we were 3, our parents have been best friends for years! they even planned our wedding when we were only 10. Super cute but weird lol.

Time skip

After the bell I chased after Jennie, she was with our friends. Well our friend group which was jungkook, me, Jennie, Rosè, Sungwoo and Joy.

"Hey guys! What's up?" I said happy to see us together again

"Hey Juyeon!" -Rosè, jungkook, joy and sunwoo said.

Jennie didn't look at me. As if she was annoyed or mad? Who am I kidding tho. She always does that to get my attention. Maybe she likes me or not?
"So we going to lunch? Or we just gonna go home? I mean schools over so what are we gonna do?"

"Hmm I don't know" as they all said

"Oh right so my parents aren't gonna be home so I was thinking we can all have a sleepover like old times?" I said hoping they would all agree to come.

"You know I'm always down to hang out with my best friend. I'll bring pizza!" Says sunwoo in reply

"We live together so of course I'm going!" Jungkook said laughing

"We're so down!" Rosè and Joy said at the same time

But Jennie didn't answer for some reason.

Jennie's POV
Everyone was starting at me. You see I didn't say anything because I don't know if I should go. Juyeon likes me and I don't know if I feel the same way. I can just see something happening. But what if something good happens.. maybe it could help me figure my shit out?

"Um sure I guess but can someone give me a ride?" I say so they don't have to stare at me anymore.

"We all have plans to do something ask juyeon!" They all said weirdly at the same time as if they were planning something.

Juyeon's POV

I looked super shocked and surprised they said that. I mean it's not the first time I gave her a ride. But it's just the way they said it.... all the same time.

"Yeah I can take her with me if she wants?" I say with a big smile of my face for some reason.

"I mean that's fine I just don't know why they are making everything so awkward" she said with sort of a sassy attitude

*nodds* as if I was agreeing with her. "Alright let's go!" As we all departed ways and then we were left of me and Jennie Together.

Time skip

We arrived to Jennie's house. I pulled up to her driveway and parked the car. "We are here! Alright so you want me to wait for you? Or can I come inside?"

She opened her eyes as in shocked since I've never been inside her house in awhile.

"I mean it's fine, you can come in. I might take long anyways since you know I'm a girl" she said as in reply

Time skip

Jennie's POV
We walked inside my bedroom. As he looked around my room since he hasn't seen it since I re-did everything. He walked by my vanity area looking at my pictures.

"You like it? My room?" I said to stop the awkward silence

"Yeah I love it! Super big! And is that-" *looks at my pictures and sees a picture of us last summer* "that us? Wow super lucky I'm in Jennie Kim's room!"

"Omg it's not even a big deal loser" as I said jokingly

"Yeah yeah" he sits down on the bed and stares at the ceiling

*I pack my pajamas and extra clothes along with my hairbrush and makeup*

"You ready to go?" I said tired and ready to leave

*he gets up from the bed and proceeds to leave my room*

"WAIT!" I yelled 

"WHAT?" He yelled back

* I grab his hand and start walking with him* as he starts to smile and blush turning red.

Authors note:
HELLO everyone ! I hope you enjoyed this first chapter! Please if you enjoy don't forget to vote! I'm sorry if here's any miss punctuation or spelling. This my first story I've ever written so sorry if it's bad. Please tell your friends if you can. And I would also like to say THEY ARE SPEAKING IN KOREAN BUT I WRITE IT IN ENGLISH SO YOU UNDERSTAND! Thank you for your time bye loves <3

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