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The events of that day will always stay with me. I'll never forget the amazing feeling of stepping onto the soil of earth again on that crisp autumn night under the full moon. The way the night air filled my lungs had invigorated me beyond my wildest dreams.
I remember walking along that long dark highway, my tall red stelleto heals clicking against the pavement as I walked. The occasional truck or car passed me by but aside from that it was a fairly lonely road but I was happy to walk it. Happy to breath real air. Happy to be free.
I came across a dinner a few hours into my walk and smirked. This seemed like a good place to start.
I stepped inside and instantly felt all eyes fall on me and I felt like I could fly. I craved this feeling. The attention these humans gave me already was intoxicating.
I smiled politely at the waitress and made my way to an empty booth at the end of the row of tables, away from the others that were occupied by big burrley truckers that reminded a little too much of the demons in hell.
I leaned back into the red fake leather of the booth as the waitress made her way over to me and nervously opened her mouth to speak, "wh-what can I get for you ma'am?" She asked, her voice shaking and her cheeks red as my shoes.
I smirked, whatever the devil had done to me seemed to be working a charm, it was sure charming the panties off this little waitress and I hadn't even opened my mouth yet.
I leaned forward, resting my elbow on the table and my chin on the knuckles of my hand. "How about a nice cup of coffee, sugar?" I said, my own voice nearly startling me as it wasn't what it used to be. It was warmer, sultry, and like it dripped with pure golden honey.
I watched the little waitress close her legs tight under her short pink skirt and she nodded, biting her lip, "y-yes ma'am, right away!" She said before she scurried off.
I took in my surroundings while I waited for the child to return and briefly wondered where I was and why of all places Satan had dropped me here. Not that it mattered. With this new get up I could go anywhere and get anything I want with the snap of my fingers. Then I saw my way out of this gultch. A full gang of bikers, all leather clad came rolling up outside, their loud motorcycles making the glass of the dinner windows vibrate as they lined up outside. It was a few minutes before they all came waltzing in like they owned the place and took over 5 of the booths nearest me.
The little waitress stood in the door of the kitchen nervously before taking a breath and bringing my coffee over, "is there anything else I can get for you ma'am?" She asked.
I shook my head and reached out to play with a loose curl of hers that hung down by her shoulder. "No baby. This is it. Thank you." I told her warmly and with a flustered little smile she went to go tend to the new arrivals while I sipped my coffee.
I could have gotten up and left then and there but something told me to stick around for a minute so i did and I'm glad I did.
A few minutes later as the sweet waitress was at one of the new tables one of the men reached out and took a nice hand full of her ads under her skirt.
She let out a yelp and tried to back away but he grabbed her arm and pulled her close and that was where I had seen enough.
I picked up the sugar shaker from off the table and chucked it across the room full force at the man's nose, effectively sending his nose bone into his skull, making him sputter blood as he fell out on the floor and I took the last sip of my coffee.
"I find it absouloutly disgusting when men don't know how to behave themselves. There's no excuse for such rude behavior after all." I say as I stand and the bikers all turn to look at me as I pull a couple hundreds out of my bra and throw them on the table.
The men glare at me as the waitress retreats to the kitchen to hide and the other customers rush out and drive away.
"You shouldn't have done that goldie." Says one of the big ones, his voice sounding like gravel in a glass jar.
Goldie huh? Guess I'm blonde now. I hadn't looked at myself yet so I wouldn't know.
"Oh? And why not?" I muse with a smirk.
The group of men laugh wickedly and start moving towards me. "Cause now we gotta mess up that expensive looking face of yours."
I cock my head to the side. "Oh? Do you now? Shame. My boss worked real hard on this. I just don't think I can let you do that. But I'll tell you what. Sit back down and suck each other's cocks for me and I may just let you all live."
That seemed to piss the men off and a few of them charged forward.
It was like water moving around stones in a gently flowing creek as I twisted and turned around them, letting them run into eachother and against the tables as they all just seemed to keep coming at me.
Their large sizes made it relatively easy to let them use their own strength against themselves and by the time I had glided past all of them back to the front door they all lied moaning in a heap on the floor.
I smirked back at them as I noticed the one who had spoken to me earlier currently laid face first in his friend's crotch.
"I suppose that's enough for me to let you live." I say with a wink before I place my hand on the door, pausing as I hear a soft, timid little, "thank you." From behind me at the kitchen door.
I turn just enough to smile at the little waitress who stood there and I held my hand out to her.
"Wanna run away with me sugar?" I ask and I see her little blue eyes light up before she nods and rushes to my side.
I slip my arm around her waist and we walk out the door and I lift her onto the nicest bike on the lot before climbing on myself. "Well sugar. Where should we go?" I ask as she slips her arms around me.
"I've always wanted to go to New Orleans." She says sweetly and I can't fight the smile she brings to my face.
"New Orleans it is then." I tell her before starting the bike and we set off down the road.
This new life was already turning out to be something wonderful.

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