Chapter 11

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Amberstream kept vigil with the other new warriors. They were forbidden to speak, but she twined her tail with Roseblaze, reassuring her. Dawn broke through their vigil, yet they didn't speak. She untwined her tail from Roseblaze and stretched.

"Your vigil is over now." Lilyfur told them, padding over to the fresh-kill pile. 

"Ok." Amberstream yawned. "I'm so t-tired."

"Me too!" Declared Seedspring. 

"Are there any nests available in the warriors den?" Snowfall asked. 

"I dunno. You may have to sleep in the apprentices den for now, until we expand the den." 

"We are expanding it today." Sunblaze corrected her. "But to get some rest, go to the apprentices den." Lappool and Tigerflame yawned at the same time, then padded into the den. Yawning again, Amberstream followed them. She stretched and then curled in a ball in her nest. 

When she woke up, it was sunhigh and she was on a hunting patrol. Noting that the other new warriors were still asleep, she went on the hunting patrol, stumbling over her own paws on the way out. 

"Keep up, Amberpaw!" Shrewwhisker flicked her tail. "Riverclan cats can't keep up. Can they, Sheeptail?" 

"Yeah apprentice, you can't catch anything in our forest, you're a Riverclan cat!" Sheeptail smirked. Amberstream breathed out hard, then scented shrew. She crept towards it, and when she was about to pounce, Shrewwhisker bounded up to her, spoiling her catch. 

"Do you have no sense of smell?" Amberstream asked, trying to control her anger.

"Of course I do, dear, of course. All Thunderclan cats have a great sense of smell, unlike Riverclan." Shrewwhisker padded away. That little, that little. She couldn't come up with a word that described Shrewwhisker. 

"What's this, Shrewwhisker and Sheeptail? Bullying a clanmate?" Sunblaze walked out from behind a bush.

"She's not our clanmate, and besides, she started it." Shrewwhisker lied. You little liar.  

"Oh so she did?" Sunblaze asked.

"She called us mouse-brains for being loyal to Thunderclan, and she said she is just spying for Riverclan." Sheeptail layered it on thick. 

"We shall have to take this to Hawkstar." Sunblaze decided.

"He'll just take Amberstream's side." Shrewwhisker pointed out.

"True, true." Sunblaze murmured. 

"According to you two, I don't have a side. But maybe I do! Sunblaze I didn't start it! They called me by my apprentice name! And spoiled my catch, and said I was a Riverclan cat!" Amberstream's anger at the two of them spilled over.

"They were right, weren't they?" Sunblaze said. Amberstream was so frustrated. No one was listening! 

"I would've murdered her if you hadn't showed up." Shrewwhisker said. "She was disrespecting Thunderclan!"

"I'm going to fetch Hawkstar."

"But he won't listen to us." 

"I am only deputy, and cannot make choices about exiling clanmates." Sunblaze padded towards camp. Amberstream watched him go, mixed about if she really wanted him to be involved. She was unaware of Sheeptail and Shrewwhisker exchanging a few words. Shrewwhisker pounced on her, and started slicing her fur off. 

"Get off me! Get off me!" Amberstream struggled against him. She shrieked as he drew blood on her sides. 

"Shut up!" Sheeptail sliced her muzzle. She bit back a yowl of pain as Shrewwhisker got off of her, and slammed her head into a rock. She was dizzy with pain, and Shrewwhisker and Sheeptail had left her for dead. She crawled towards camp, and ran into Hawkstar and Sunblaze. Hawkstar gently picked her up by her scruff and brought her into camp and into the medicine cat den. She collapsed into a nest, unconscious. 

This is the longest chapter yet, I think. 582 words. Not including this sentence. I'll try to do another chapter tonight, but I don't have time to do another one right now. 


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