"Hey baby remember what the nurse said, there's nothing to worry about. Evie is going to be just fine, she just needs a little extra help right now. It's just like a band aid when you scrape your knee, that's all." Jennie assured her as she pressed a kiss to the side of Ella's forehead before carefully maneuvering herself over in the large chair just a little to make enough room for her to scramble up onto it with her.

Once they were settled, Lisa picked up one of the large foam block cushions that the nurse had given them a few days ago and placed it on Jennie's lap so that Evie could lay on it. The nurse returned a few minutes later to get Evie out of her incubator before passing her over to Jennie and laying her down gently on the pillow as Jennie beamed down at her.

"Hey there pretty girl." Jennie whispered, heart all but exploding out of her chest as she bent over a little to press a kiss to her forehead. "We brought someone super important to meet you."

"She's so tiny, mommy!" Ella breathed incredibly quietly, as though talking any louder would cause disruption. "She's even smaller than my dolls!"

"She is, isn't she?" Lisa agreed as she crouched down in front of her three girls. "She was supposed to stay inside mommy's tummy for a little while longer so that she could get bigger and stronger, but she was just so excited to meet us all that she just couldn't wait any longer, that's why she has to stay here for a little while to grow some more."

Jennie couldn't explain the feeling of complete overwhelming love and adoration that washed over her as she realized that she had both of her baby girls in the same room for the very first time, but with that came the realization that she would only be taking one of them home for the foreseeable future, and she felt it like a pang in her chest each and every time it popped into her head. Still, she tried to brush the bad feelings away, not wanting to ruin the moment. This was all she had dreamed about for the last few months, and honestly longer if she was being honest. She had her beautiful wife and two amazing baby girls, and for that Jennie was endlessly thankful even if things hadn't exactly gone to plan.

"You can touch her, if you want." Jennie told Ella with a smile. "You just have to be nice and gentle."

Ella's eyes lit up at the prospect of it and Jennie breathed a laugh as she watched her eldest daughter hold her breath, everything focused on her baby sister laying on front of her as she slowly extended a hand out to stroke the top of Evie's hand.

"She's holding my finger!" Ella exclaimed as Evie's little hand wrapped tightly around her index finger. Her expression looked as though this was the best thing to ever happen in the history of the world, and honestly Jennie was inclined to agree.

Lisa spent a lot of the time snapping photos of them all. There wasn't a single moment that she didn't catch, and the nurse even came in to make sure that they had some with all four of them before leaving one more.

They stayed in the NICU until it was nearing Ella's bedtime and Jennie knew that Lisa would have to get her home to wash her hair and get her ready for bed, but she really didn't want them to leave. The last few days were the longest she had ever been away from Ella, not including their honeymoon, but the hormones and emotions of having a new baby were amplifying everything and Jennie found herself unable to hold back the tears as she watched Lisa help Ella into her coat.

"Mommy?" Ella questioned, rushing over the second she saw her wipe at her eyes. "Why are you crying?"

"I'm sorry baby, I just miss you is all." Jennie assured her, brushing her cheek gently with the arm that wasn't supporting Evie's head. "I'll be home soon though, I promise."

"Don't cry mommy, I'll draw you some pictures and I'll come see you and we can play!" Ella assured her with a toothy smile.

"I love you." Jennie smiled as she made to lean down to give Ella a kiss, realizing almost too late that it was too much movement for her still healing stomach to take as she let out a groan of pain and Lisa was by her side in an instant.

I see it in your Eyes (you'll be alright)Where stories live. Discover now