"I'm so glad that you know, though." Jennie confessed, significantly more relaxed than she was a few minutes before. "We've been trying to keep it quiet until I was done with the first trimester, and yesterday was the twelve week mark so we planned to tell you guys and Bom tonight."

"Oh, so you're worried about how everyone will react?" Jisoo asked, reaching across the table to take Jennie's hand. "Just for the record, I'm so so happy for you guys, and I'm so proud of how far you've come with all of this."

"Thank you." Jennie smiled proudly, getting up out of her own seat to pull Jisoo in for a hug.

"Congratulations." Jisoo spoke into her hair before they pulled away and took their seats once again.

"I'm not so much worried about reactions to the pregnancy, it's more about how people will react to Ella. I know it sounds silly, I'm probably just being paranoid, but I really don't want her feeling left out or excluded from anything, you know? She's been the center of attention for her whole life, and now there's gonna be this brand new little baby that's half me and half Lisa, and Lisa has her own family and I just... I don't know, I just want her to know that she'll always be my baby too."

"Yeah, I get that." Jisoo told her with a little nod of her head. "But, from my perspective at least, Ella is no less family to them than this baby will be. Lisa's family has been her family for a while now, from the day you guys got married, and well before that too. They love the bones off of her, and that won't change just because there's someone else in the picture." she assured her. "Lisa isn't their blood, but she's still their family, just like how Ella isn't her blood either, but that doesn't make her any less of her mom."

"I guess I just didn't think about any of that, but you're totally right." Jennie agreed with a smile, already feeling a lot calmer about the whole thing.

She stayed at Jisoo's place for a few hours until she had to go back home and get ready for the evening. After hugging her goodbye and promising to act completely surprised when she sees her later, Jisoo pulled Jennie in for a hug and congratulated her once again before waving her off from the door.


By the time Lisa left to pick Bom up from the train station, Rosé, Jisoo and Hayul were already making themselves at home. They arrived just over an hour early early like they usually did and helped Jennie sort the food out in the kitchen and bring everything through to the table in the dining room. Ella was in charge of making sure that everyone received a fork and knife beside their plates, and she took the job very seriously as the rest of them watched on in amusement.

Jennie could feel herself growing more and more nervous as the time ticked by, although she had to keep reminding herself that it was a good kind of nervous. She still struggled with that sometimes, her brain had a tendency to slip into her old habits when she was feeling particularly worried about something. She just felt the nervous butterflies begin to flutter deep in the pit of her stomach and automatically switched to panic mode instead of feeling happy and excited. Lisa always seemed to help with that though, which is why she was extremely grateful to see her walking in the door a few minutes later with Bom in tow.

Just the knowledge of knowing that Lisa was by her side was enough to calm her a little, and when Lisa made her way over to check in on her she could feel herself beginning to relax once again.

"Jennie sweetie! Hi! How are you?!" Bom called out before Lisa had the chance to ask Jennie how she was doing.

"I'm so good! How are you? How was the trip down here?" Jennie asked as she pulled Bom in for a hug.

"It was good, it went by quickly. I'm just so happy to be here, I missed you all so much!" she told them before Ella came running down the hall, closely followed by Rosé, Jisoo, Hayul and a very excited Oreo. "There she is! Hi munchkin!" Bom called out happily before pulling Ella into a hug. "How are you doing kiddo? You look so much bigger!"

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