A Decade Minus Four

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Varun nodded saying no, kept his hand on her head and gently shook her head.

Varun: Its okay.

Nithya was bowled over. 

She suddenly started feeling very different about him. He wasn't her rude competitor for the topper badge at class anymore. He wasn't a mere classmate anymore. The small gesture completely changed her impression about him. 

Varun: Come we have your speech next, let us get going to auditorium. But wait, wash your face first !

Nithya with her heart filled with smiles and eyes with admiration went to wash her face. They both ran and made to the auditorium before her speech was about to start. Nithya panted heavily as it was her speech next and started sweating. Her hands were shivering with fear and nervousness.

Varun: What's wrong?

Nithya: I'm really scared of giving public speeches and presentations.. I don't want to go.. 

Varun holds her hand to encourage her. Nithya looks at him surprised. 

Varun: Don't worry, nobody is going to judge you or anything. I'm here for you, we all are here for you to hear you speak. So go ahead and rock the show !

Nithya (smiles slightly): Thanks.

Nithya finishes her speech and gets a standing ovation from the chief guest. She smiles wide and looks at Varun thankfully. Varun shows the thumbs up sign to her. She was lost in smiles seeing him. 

After that day, she felt the magic every time she met Varun. She found immense happiness in having even the smallest conversations with him. She started finding him the most handsome person. Her eyes searched for him even if he was in a group picture. All the love songs and movies reminded of him to her. She wanted to frame those moments where he smiled or laughed because of her. Perfect was how this feeling had to described.

The academic year came to an end, with the last exam they wrote in the exam centre. It was the last day of school and everyone were saddened by the fact of leaving school. Nithya was even sad as she would no longer get to meet Varun. Accepting his seclusion from her world she stood beside him, who was busy having talks about hangouts with his friends. Though she was yearning to talk to him, she left without saying anything, seeing him for the last time.


Varun: Hey, you're Nithya right? 

Nithya: Yeah. Hi Varun. Its such a pleasant surprise to have met you here.

Varun: So, how are you?

Nithya: I'm good. How are you doing?

Varun: I'm fine, its just that I'm feeling a little bored here. Can we step out and talk?

Nithya: Yeah sure.They come out of the hotel and head towards the nearby park and start walking.

Varun: You like parties?

Nithya: Nah.. I like interacting with people, but not this way. Not against the idea of parties though, just saying.

Varun: Even I don't like parties, sometimes I even feel the little conversations that we used to have when we bunked our classes to volunteer was better. It was such a sweet period with absolutely no pressure on us.

Nithya: I agree with you.. I reaallyy miss our school days. We used to be such a fun yet studious gang right..

Varun: Hmm.. So how was life after 2005? 

Nithya: (sarcastically laughs) I had a tough time in college.. 

Varun: Why?

Nithya: Not because of academics. I don't why I always had this feeling of emptiness. I kept missing something all the time. It was kind of a yearning to get out of house and look for a long lost adventure. That heavy feeling... well, I don't know.

Varun: You missed me?

Nithya looked at him startled.

Varun (giggles): I was just joking, don't get shocked.

Nithya (in her mind): How I wish I could say that what he said was true...

Varun: It was the same for me too.. I also felt that I was missing something. Then I realised it was..

Nithya: It was ?

Varun: I missed your presence. I missed those jokes that you would crack. I missed the smile that reached your eyes whenever you saw me. I missed you, Nithya.

Nithya shocked and surprised by his words looked at him with tears of happiness. 

Varun: I've got something to tell you for the past 6 years..

He asked her to look on her right side. She found Tara, Adithya, Gautham and their other friends holding a board saying 

"I Love You"

Her smile reached her eyes again after a decade minus four.

Her smile reached her eyes again after a decade minus four

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A Decade Minus FourWhere stories live. Discover now