A Decade Minus Four

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An inert evening in a 5-star hotel, among more than 60 people, a glass of apple juice and her tired face from the long day.

Tara: Why are you dull?

Nithya: I'm so bored here. Its only because of you that I came here. You know that I hate noisy and crowded places right..(annoyed) Then why...

Tara was looking at the menu seriously and ordering food not minding Nithya.

Nithya (sighs): Never mind... Tara am leaving okay.

When she turns around she sees a familiar face, lending his hand to her. Nithya (amused) : Varun !


Annual Prize Event 2004 was happening at Nithya's school for the highschool students. Varun, Nithya Tara, Adithya and Gautham were the volunteers for the event. Though Nithya and Varun have been together since their primary school, they have had the least number of interactions. They weren't even friends. 

Adithya: Finish the decorations as soon as possible Tara, you both have to take care of the sound system don't forget that !

Tara: It's not me, it is Nithya and Varun. Nithya did you inform Varun about it?

Nithya (absent-mindedly): Umm.. yes..

Nithya doesn't inform Varun absent-mindedly, nor does she herself set the mics and the sound mixer. The chief guest appears before the auditorium filled by almost 300 people. None of the intro music given by the incharges were played, the mics stopped working. The head girl and HOD of Mathematics Department who were going to give the welcome speech were clueless about what was happening. 

Headmistress: What's happening Rachel ma'am? Aren't the mics working? 

Rachel: No ma'am. The system is down, it will take 15 minutes to fix it.

Headmistress: What? You can't make the guests wait, we cannot treat them like this. Fix the system as soon as you can.

Rachel: Yes ma'am.

Headmistress: Who were responsible for the sound department?

Rachel: Varun and Nithya from 12B and Sheryl ma'am was the incharge.

Headmistress (nods): Okay ma'am.

Meanwhile at 12B class:

Sheryl: How can you both be this irresponsible? Is this what you do when a responsibility is offered to you?

Nithya: I'm sorry ma'am.. But Varun..

Sheryl: Varun, how could even you do this?

Varun stands silent and confused.

Sheryl (disclined): Don't commit this again. Behave like young adults for god's sake ! 

Nithya (tearfully): Sorry ma'am..

Sheryl leaves the room. 

Tears of guilt start flowing with silence from Nithya's eyes leaving her nose and cheeks red with embarrassment. Varun hung his head down in disapproval. He was reluctant to show the disappointment in his eyes. Nithya goes out of the class and sits on the staircase near the balcony where the other students were playing cricket. Varun came from the left side of the corridor. Nithya's eyes were partially red now from all that crying. With her eyes shifting to different directions letting down tears, she turns her eyes finally to Varun with guilt and regret.

Nithya: I'm so sorry Varun...

Varun (expression-less): Why are you asking sorry..

Nithya: It was my mistake, I should have informed you. You had to get all the blame just because of me..

A Decade Minus FourWhere stories live. Discover now