09 I Pesky bunny Vs Fraidy Cat

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"Would you like to chew some carrots? I have some in stock

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"Would you like to chew some carrots? I have some in stock."

I quickly turned about to confront him like a warrior. I know it may be too much for a comparison but yes, to face this nasty brat, I needed the same strength as of a warrior.

"Don't you think that a fraidy cat like you must just go and accompany the other street cats and meow with them?!", I said in my best savage tone.

"Really? You had once mentioned that you love cats. Then if I'm a cat, that means you love me too! Isn't it Señorita?", he said in his flirtatious tone with a smirk clearly visible on his not-so-good-looking face! I narrowed my eyebrows.

"Can you just keep your mouth shut?! You may flirt with me for the thousandth time, Mr. Arnab Goswami but my answer will always remain a big NO!", I spat out all the contents which were stuffed inside my head since a long time and were dying to be spoken out with utmost anger and annoyance.

"Lmao! Then you are just leaving this precious diamond and chasing after some filthy piece of glass then.", once again he started with his overconfident tone but too much overconfidence is never meant to be good.

"Who is the real diamond and who is the filthy glass piece is surely not the thing for you to decide, I guess! Your small, dumb head can't see the inner beauty residing within everything as it is always busy looking for money and fame."

"I was right! You are gorgeous but have got a little brain I see. That's why you got the guts to reject me, Arnab Goswami in front of whom all boys and girls are ready to bow down their heads. All the girls are just dying to have me but you are way too much foolish to miss such a golden opportunity!"

"Don't think that you are senior to me and so I am going to maintain the respectful tone in my voice for long. Don't you dare try to test my patience! If rejecting a spoilt brat like you is foolishness then it would be my pleasure to remain foolish. And if you are talking about others then I must say that just because everyone is not equal to your financial status doesn't mean that you are allowed to dominate these people!"

"I can do whatever I want to do. Atleast I don't need YOUR advice on this matter. You all are jealous of my father's wealth but don't worry. I love to see you all burn in the fire of jealousy!". This was now too much. He is getting on my nerves. My hands were craving to give him a straight punch right on his blunt nose. I clenched my fist all ready to blow his head out but before that, Kavya entered the scene and protested on behalf of me with her best threatening voice.

"See Arnab Bhaiya! (Brother) You are senior to us but that doesn't mean that you will ill behave with us. Why are you just faffing around being after my friend for so many days? Why don't you understand that she doesn't like you? Now you better mind your own business! Or else...", Kavya tried her best to put forward her words as a warning with threatening eyes but it wasn't strong enough to affect that fool's head. He just shamelessly cut her off and said,

"Shit bricks! Oh I got so scared but bhaiya sounds miserably boring. Anyway, so this pesky bunny's best friend, as you were saying, I too was minding my own business but couldn't help but show some sympathy. I fear that your friend may lose this competition and get a loser tag for the rest of her life! So it would be better if she just quits this idea of participating in such a big debate competition. I know that she has won some useless prizes earlier but that doesn't mean she is a pro debater like me capable of participating in this sort of difficult competitions. Dreaming is good but sometimes you just need to accept the reality and move on.", he kept blabbering with his usual annoying style, brushing his spikes with his hands every minute. I looked at Kavya who I guess was at loss of words so I decided to speak.

"I think your retina has shifted its job to the blind spot! Because I not only dream but I am quite determined about accomplishing my goals too. You are not the one who decides my merits and capabilities for participating in this competition. You just oil your own machine and let me do mine. I think my words got inside your silly little brain."

"Damn! So you are going to teach me what to do and what not to do? This little bunny is going to teach me? This is absolutely hilarious!", he said and started laughing and his terrible laughter echoed through the corridors. Till now, Kavya had managed to recover her loss of words and after taking in a deep breath, she stated,

"The whole school knows that you both are great debaters but the only difference between you and Mallika is that you have become cock of the walk unlike Mallika who doesn't show off her skills to others like you do!", Kavya said with a trembling voice as I could clearly figure out that she was a bit frightened. It was obvious because we were arguing with a lad who was senior to us. Arnab was in class IX with my Mr. Noodles. It is really disrespectful to argue with someone senior to you but this fool was crossing his limits and keeping your mouth shut at this situation would be just encouraging him to continue with his disgusting tantrums.

"Just shut up! You girls are just so cowardly. Your place is at our feet because you all deserve it. Huh! "

"Fuck off! You who shits his pants at the slightest of noise is talking about what girls deserve? Girls are way stronger than you think! You know what? The existence of people like you who think themselves to be greater than the almighty itself makes us stronger and fearless day by day to face you.", I shouted at him but didn't regret an inch because he deserves this. I know I may have sounded rude but I am not ready to bear all that rubbish he is saying.

"Oh! You too know how to use slang?! Wow! That's great. We will make a great pair then. By the way, as I was saying. Just back off from this competition because it is crystal clear that I am going to win. Just saving you from tasting the bitterness of losing."

"We will see, who gets to taste the bitterness of losing! Don't be so overconfident that after the competition ends and the results are declared, you may struggle hard to find an appropriate place to hide your face."

"If that's the case, then lets make a deal!", he exclaimed with a smirk evident on his face. I had a feeling that it didn't mean any good. Was I going to get into one more trouble?


When you look at me,
My heart beats louder.
When you smile at me,
My heart does a somersault in my chest.
And When you hold my hands,
My heart calms down and I fear none.


Here is the next part!

So what do you think about the deal?
Is Mallika going to get into another trouble?

Let's see 😉
Till then stay tuned!
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Ciao 👋

- Blue 💙

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