Connie stood up, leaning against the cell bars with his arms folded, "So... do we just watch everything unfold from in here?", the cell rang from the teapot that whistled from the boiling water, tea was passed out to everyone at the table. Connie looked over at Armin, "Armin, can you use your titan to get out of here?" "No... all that would do is blow this town away, the colossal titan isn't agile enough, it's not like Eren's or Annie's or Aila's", Armin said as he looked over at Sasha who held Mikasa in her arms, rubbing her back slowly and lovingly. Connie turned to Annie and Aila, "Well, what about you guys?", Annie looked up, "I don't think I could, if it was Ymir or Pieck's cart or jaws then yeah, but our titans are still too big to transform even a limb without risking the collapse of this cell", Connie looked down at his cup, sipping a bit from it. He frowned, "Eren's turned into a total piece of shit, he's lost sight of who he is to the point that he'd hurt the three people he used to care most about" "If he was in his right mind I don't see him doing that without a reason, could he have... some sort of hidden motive?", they all remained silent, not sure how to respond. CLICK! CLACK! CLICK! CLACK! Footsteps were heard, they all turned around to see Yelena, Onyonkapon and one other Marleyan with them holding a rifle. Yelena raised her arm, resting it on her chest and bowing a bit, "Nice to see you again, heroes of Shiganshina, it pains me that our reunion must be marred by these iron bars", Annie growled, her teeth shone, she stood up and walked to the bars, grasping onto them. "Onyonkapon you're on their side too now? Let us out!", Connie shouted next to her. Onyonkapon backed away a bit, looking at Yelena, "You're one to talk, after your people arrested me and dragged me all over the island. You just sit and wait here until Zeke and Eren come into contact" "HEY!", Connie shouted. Annie hid her fury, staring up into Yelena's cold eyes, "Good for you Yelena, things are going well for you, you must be pleased. Thanks to you, Eren's been dancing to Zeke's tune, you got your attack on Marley, got the Eldians here to back you, and took control of the military with that spinal fluid spiked wine. Now you have Eldia, you have the power of the founder, you can destroy Marley and get revenge for your motherland, that was the real reason the volunteers came to this island isn't it?", Annie asked with a flat tone. Everyone stared from the other side of each bars with resentment and anger.

Onyonkapon looked away, sweat dripped from his face, "We... helped civilize this island. This primitive place was a century behind-" "HUH?!", Connie shouted, cutting him off. Niccolo frowned from next to Sasha's father, "All so you could live in the lap of luxury, one you became the rulers of this island right?" "You got tricked, and you lost, that's all", the Marlyean next to Onyonkapon said. Niccolo gripped onto the bars, "Griez, you little rat, did you really sell us out just to get a promotion to Yelena's servant?", Griez chuckled, "Ha, you're the real traitor. You sided with the devils, falling into their trap of a family" "I'LL KILL YOU!", Niccolo shouted as he reached past the bars, attempting to grab Griez. Sasha growled, she hated the way he spoke of her family, Mikasa clenched onto her hand, reminding her to not make a wrong move or her and her family would all be killed. "Serving them all to a free meal, I was a fool to think you'd return to your sense after we took over", he kept on, talking about Sasha and her family, "DAMN YOU! WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?!", Niccolo shouted, Griez's face twisted to a disgust. He scoffed, "I'll put it in a way that even you can understand, that tramp is the filthy daughter of d-", BOOMPOP! Yelena stopped him as she raised her gun to his head and pulled the trigger, blowing his brains out. Sasha's siblings screamed in horror, Mikasa sat up, her eyes wide with surprise, Yelena bowed, "I apologize for his rudeness, this island no longer has any need for these who would curse you as devils, and please believe me, our true purpose is nothing as hollow as revenge on Marley. It is to sever the chains of hate from this world, our goal is to save not only Eldia, but Marley as well. Allow me to explain it to you in it's entirety, Zeke's plan to save the world, the euthenization plan", with that, Yelena had promised to finally explain what Zeke's true intentions were after four years.

Yelena ordered Onyonkapon and another volunteer to clean up the body and mess it had made, she then pulled out a chair as they did so, sitting down and explaining how Zeke plans to use Eren's founder with his beast, and stop Eldian's from breeding. Armin and the others were shocked, sitting in dumbfoundment as they listened, "No more children will be born?", Armin asked from his seat, "Yes, no more pain will come into this world due to the existence of titans, slowly, and peacefully", Marco swallowed his fear, "No.. wait, how's that peaceful?" "Yeah, if you keep shrinking the population of the subjects of Ymir until we all vanish, all that's going to be left of this country in its last years is a handful of senile fools, right? How do we protect our country then? Or will everyone else just conveniently ignore us?", Jean asked with confusion and panic. Yelena crossed her legs, "Just as it always has, the rumbling will act as a deterrent force, to do so, both the founder and the royal family must be maintained. Fortunately the queen Historia has already been blessed with a successor. So long as a few subjects of Ymir inherit the founding titan until that child passes from this world" "And you think that's so fool-proof?, Jean asked. Yelena looked down at her feet, "Fool-proof? Perfect? No nation can boast these things, all countries have their own problems, but I am certain of one thing. The great threat of the titans, that history of blood and tears, this country has two men who can put an end to it all. Zeke and Eren, there may be many millennia let in human history, but will anyone ever appear again who can accomplish such a feat? Those brothers will be spoken of as symbols for thousands of years to come, just as we today speak of ancient gods. Even after their deaths, they will shine like the sun, the saviors illuminating humanity", Yelena stopped talking, everyone looked over at Armin, noticing he was crying, they all frowned in confusion, "Is something the matter?", Yelena asked him. Armin covered his face with his hand, "No, I just... didn't know.. you had such noble intentions. I'm... so.. moved!", he shouted through sobs. Yelena's eyes began to tear up as well, a smile spread across her face, "I'm glad, good, I'm happy you understand", she said. Suddenly, footsteps were heard running down to the cell, and in came a soldier, "COME QUICK! INTRUDERS!", Yelena shot out of her seat and began to run out of the cell block with him, leaving the others to wonder what was happening, After a few minutes had passed of sitting in silence and making out what they had learned about Zeke and Eren's true intentions, the ground and walls began to rumble, CRCK! A loud crash was heard, then the rumbling ceased, Sasha shot up from her seat, "I hear Eren and I think Reiner roaring!", Aila stood up, a frown on her face, "So a battle of titans has begun", she expressed, everyone was shocked, but ready, for their rematch against Marley and it's soldiers.


Hello my readers! I understand Attack On Titan part one of the final season has ended. However, despite the long wait for the second and final part I will continue to publish a new chapter every Sunday/Monday and go along with the manga's storyline, which in term means yes, this book will be at it's end soon. I do however understand if you wish to wait until the second part has been released to finish my story from this point on to avoid some spoilers, however if you do stay I will say that yes there will be some spoilers but some of the story will be played out in my own way from Aila and Annie's points of view only and will be modified to match with my own story. Thank you all for your massive support and response, I'll see some of you on Sunday! Together we give our hearts!

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