I watch as Tucker mixes things together, furrowing his eyebrows in concentration. He frowns down at the pan, probably not satisfied with how it's going. Then I notice something on his bare back that I hadn't noticed ever before. 

"Where'd you get that tattoo?" I ask. Tucker seems to freeze a little. The small black marking is on his right shoulder. It's small, but I caught it somehow. 

"I got it not too long ago." 

"What is it?" 

"It's a moon and a sun," he answers quietly. 

"Why did you get it?" 

"I don't know."  He looks up at me and passes me a plate of pancakes.  "Well, breakfast is ready. I'll be right back," he says as he goes up the stairs.

I put our plates on the table and clean up just a little.  He comes back downstairs with a t-shirt on now. I pour two glasses of milk, and we sit at the table.  The phone rings, making me jump. Tucker gets up to answer it. He returns saying it was Aunt Amy just checking in on us. They are next door. I mean, I would've been fine with her waltzing inside like she owns the place.  I decide to go upstairs and take a shower. I run the water, and while waiting for it to get hot, I look at my reflection in the mirror. As I look closely, I notice something different about me. I don't know what it is, but I kinda like it. 


As the day, night, and morning slowly drag on, I begin to anxiously wait for this afternoon when everyone gets back home.  I sit around the house until everyone comes home. I jump up at the sight of my parents, excited that they're home. 

"Where's my hug?" mom asks. I smile and hug both her and my dad. 

"Oh I missed my little girl!" dad says as he hugs me tightly. 

"I missed you too." 

"Did everything go okay around here? Did you hold down the fort pretty well?" I nod, and he smiles.  Now I wonder how everyone's gonna know about me and Tucker. I'm sure we're gonna keep it quiet. I have no clue... 

"There's my boy," Uncle Dally says as he hugs Tucker. Aunt Liz pinches his cheeks, and he complains. I weakly smile just watching them. He hugs his brother.  We all get ready for dinner after an hour. Everyone sits down, and for some reason, there's so much to talk about, but nothing is being said. Why isn't anyone saying a word? 

"So how'd your thing go, Harrison?" I ask to break the silence. He nods and smiles.  "Great! We went to the state university for a science fair. I won second, but I'm okay with it," he answers. 

"That's really good. I'm happy for you." 

"What did you two do while we were gone?" Uncle Dally asks, his deep voice scaring me just a little. He sounds suspicious of something. I don't know how he figures things out, but I think he's trying to now. 

"Well... Tucker cooked," I announce right away. Tucker puts his hand over his face.  "Thanks, Babydoll," he says sarcastically.  

"I told you I'd teach him," Aunt Liz tells everyone. Tucker shrugs. 

"What else?" Uncle Dally asks. 

"That's about it," I say. He nods and looks down. We remain in silence for a while, finding nothing else I discuss.  A knock at the door startles all of us. Tucker gets up to answer it. I look around nervously. This is a little too much to think about. 

"Dad," Tucker says nervously from the other room. We all jump up and follow each other into the living room to find something unexpected.   A blonde stands there with an arrogant attitude. I immediately sense something isn't right by the way Uncle Dally walks to the door.  I stand up now, feeling shock pass through the room as everyone glances at the woman standing at our front door. 

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