When they stepped inside there was a few more cakes on display, some a little more on the simple side whilst others were beyond anything that Jennie could ever imagine.

"Hi, how can I help you ladies today?" the man behind the counter asked with a friendly smile.

"Hi, I'm here to get a cake made for my daughter's sixth birthday." Jennie told him as she approached the counter, leaving Jisoo to look around at the rest of the cakes positioned in different areas around the store.

"Okay, did you have anything specific in mind?" he asked as he began taking notes on a little notepad.

"Not really, all of the cakes here look incredible." Jennie complimented as she gestured around to the store. "I guess we just want something colorful, I'll leave the rest up to you guys."

"Okay no problem, we can certainly get that sorted out for you." the man told her kindly as he scribbled a few more things down. "Now, do you have any idea of how many tiers that you want? And which flavor of cake and icing?"

"Definitely chocolate." Jennie told him confidently with a smile, knowing that Ella would accept nothing short of a chocolate explosion when she bit into her cake. "As for the tiers, I think three should be alright."

"Okay, yep, got that." he nodded to himself as he continued to write. "For words, we can do them on the cake, or we can have them written in icing on the tray, which would you prefer?"

"Honestly just feel free to please yourselves, I'm positive that I'll love anything that our team comes up with." Jennie told him. Usually she would be a lot more hands on when it came to this stuff, but after seeing the display cakes she felt confident enough in their abilities to produce something that Ella will love. "As long as it says 'Happy 6th Birthday Ella' somewhere on the cake then it doesn't matter where."

"Okay that's totally fine, if you just fill in your details then we'll have the cake delivered to your home on your requested date." the man told Jennie as he passed over a sheet of paper containing a few blank boxes requesting that she write her address and contact details on it.

After they sorted everything out with the cake and picked up a few goodies from the bakery to take home for everyone, Jennie and Jisoo headed back to the house where Lisa and Rosé were waiting for them with dinner ready on the table. Jennie usually preferred to keep her meals light at dinner, seeing as how rare it was for her to actually be able to keep it down throughout the night, but Lisa and Rosé had clearly put a lot of effort into preparing and cooking the meal so, despite the concerned sideways glances that Lisa was not so subtly sending in her direction every few minutes, Jennie ate the whole plate of food and decided to just suffer the consequences later on.

"Aunt Rosé do you wanna see my new sword?" Ella asked as she finished up her plate of food and slid down from the chair.

"Oh yeah of course I do kiddo!" Rosé exclaimed excitedly. "Go get it!"

"'Kay!" Ella grinned before running out of the room.

"She got really into Brave last month so we decided to surprise her with one of the swords from the movie." Lisa explained as they waited for Ella to return.

"Wait I thought she had a bow and arrow?" Jisoo chimed in.

"Yeah she does, but they have swords in the movie too." Jennie told her. "Either way, the kid is obsessed. I don't think that she's put it down since we got her it."

"Hey Aunt Rosé, look!" Ella came running back in with a large plastic sword, almost taller than her.

"Oh wow that's so awesome!" Rosé complimented as Ella swung it around and mimicked a sword fight.

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