chapter fourteen

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You couldn't understand why your father was willingly standing so close to Kylo Ren. Was he confronting him about you? He must've believed you were dead, if he never came to rescue you after the temple. Maybe he was finally able to get revenge for the death of his son and daughter. Or maybe your belief that he knew where you were suddenly was true. And he was here to rescue you from your captor, not knowing what you were capable of and what monster the man had made out of his daughter.

But Kylo Ren was the most powerful person you knew. He would certainly kill him. Maybe Han knew that, but was willing to risk his own life just to face the one that murdered his children.

You could sense him on that bridge below, his energy so familiar, so loving, so warm. You wasted no time to leap onto the railing and throw your legs over the side. Your cloak billowed around you as you dropped down just two feet behind him, the echoing sound of your heels against the hard surface of the grate making Han Solo turn around, his eyes widening as you stood up straight, hood down, face exposed, teary-eyed.

"___," he choked out. "___, is it... it's you?"

"Papa," you whispered.

Your father looked back at Kylo Ren in disbelief. "You---"

"Papa, look at me. I'm alive. Now you have to get away from him---" You reached for your father's hand, grabbing it and pulling him back. Kylo shifted his arm only slightly. You pulled your lightsaber out and ignited it, anger flaring inside of you like a lit flame. The tip of your lightsaber pointed at your Master's throat and you shouted, "Don't!"

Han looked between the two of you. He very slowly covered your hand with his, pushing the lightsaber down. You stared at him in disbelief but let the weapon retract. With watery eyes, your father took in every part of your face, from the crown of your head to the line of your jaw. He smiled and shook his head, as if he couldn't believe what he was saying.

Then he turned back to Kylo Ren. "Take off that mask. You don't need it."

"What do you think you'll see if I do?"

"The face of my son."

Thunderstruck. That was the only word you could use to place what you felt. Han Solo's words were thunder in your mind, accompanied by lightning strikes made of so many emotions that you couldn't contain yourself. Horror. Disbelief. Anger. Hurt. Confusion. Raw, untamed hate.

The man that had gone from being your best friend to your worst enemy took his helmet off of his head. And you were frozen as you looked up at the face of your older brother.

Suddenly it all made sense. Why, no matter what you did, he never let you escape and never allowed anything to happen to you. You were executed for betraying the Order, while most people like you would be killed if they even glanced in the wrong direction. You were placed on a high pedestal, not because you were the student of Kylo Ren, but because you were the sister of Ben Solo, the boy who cowered under a mask to hide him from his evil actions.

"You... you never told me," you gasped, stepping back. You let go of your father's hand. Your head shook back and forth. "No. No, Ben... Ben died. Back there. He..."

"Ben Solo did die back there," your brother replied. "I killed him. You remember now, don't you?"

You did.

You stumbled out the back of the building, falling down the two steps that led out to the grassy field behind the temple. Rain was coming down hard now. Your knees met the soft mud and you tilted your head back, choking harshly from the smoke and your tears.

"Ben!" A final scream ripped out of your throat. As you dragged in a pained gulp of breath, you looked forward, rain dripping down into your eyes, smoke clouding your vision, and you saw him.

IN MY DREAMS [A POE DAMERON X READER STORY] [BOOKS 1-3]Where stories live. Discover now