Situation in the Hallway

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Hosen rushes at Sudo as he turns his back to him, and he shoves Sudo to the ground.

"Is being tall all you're good for? You're nothing but a weak pile of crap, I barely touched ya!"

I look around me and notice the second-years in the hallway with facial expressions that show their surprise. Of course, he still keeps the same facial expression. It amazes me how one can be so out of touch with their emotions to the point where he can't even show facial expressions that are different from his current one. Tsukushiro mentioned how he had trouble showing his emotions, so perhaps he was freaking out on the inside?

Back to Hosen, I can't believe him. His reckless and violent side really gets the best of him. That act would be seen as violent to others. If he knew that there were cameras placed in the hallways of this school he probably wouldn't have gone this far. Would he? 

As I was contemplating things, Sudo got up.

"You son of a bitch!" Despite him being able to keep his composure earlier with the help of Horikita, that bottled anger being kept inside of him was on the edge of exploding. Dangerously close to exploding.

However, before a fight could start, someone came in between them. A boy, Daichi Ishizaki.

"The hell are you two doin'?!"

"Geez, you second-year guys keep popping up like cockroaches." 

Two second years, one angry, the other wary. And one first-year, reckless and violent. I better try and get Hosen under control before a brawl starts. I can't be at the risk of suspension or expulsion. Not before I get rid of him.

"Hosen, didn't you come here to have a proper discussion? If you only came here to relieve your violent tendencies, then I'll be taking my leave now."

However, this wouldn't work on Hosen. He's too much of an egghead to listen.

"Violent? All I did was touch him as I would petting a cat. My bad, Sudo." Hosen responded by being ignorant.

Ishizaki then adds to the situation.

"Ya know' being an asshole has its limits, got it?!"

Ishizaki reached out to grab Hosen's collar. 

As he's doing so, the corner of Hosen's mouth began forming into a twisted crooked smile. Creepy indeed.

Moments before Ishizaki is able to get ahold of Hosen's shirt, a fourth party joins in, Someone who had been watching from the sidelines; Kakeru Ryuuen

"Give it up unless you wanna die Ishizaki," Ryuuen warned.

"W- what're you stopping me for Ryuuen? I can take this guy."

This situation just keeps escalating and escalating. It brings us nowhere near our target and doesn't help us in any way. 

Soon after a girl followed up. Mio Ibuki.

"To think you'd step in. What are you doing?"

He ignores her comment.

Ryuuen approaches Hosen. He doesn't seem like someone you'd wanna mess with. It's better to keep your distance from him. It's also deductible based on the people around it. They seem even more scared than when Sudo was talking with Hosen. He must be a dangerous opponent.

Ryuuen continues to talk. To sum it all up, apparently, he's 'known' Hosen all this time throughout middle school.  Actually, it's better to say that Ryuuen has HEARD of Hosen throughout his middle school days. As he mentioned this, Ishizaki wore a shocked facial expression and asked Ryuuen if this was true just to confirm. It was indeed the truth.  Hosen himself has also heard rumors concerning Ryuuen. Apparently, both of them were troublemakers at their middle schools as well. They both continue to talk badly about each other but Hosen seems to want to escalate the situation into a full-out brawl, even wanting to 'set the record straight'. 

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