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Start from the beginning

She went to bed and I got up at 4 in the morning to go to the airport so I could go to Canada. When I got the the airport and my dad called me when I answered he knew that something happened. Then I saw Vinnie and he came up to be when I was just about to ask my dad to help me but he put something over my mouth and I went unconscious.

When I woke up I was chained to the bed and I started to get flashbacks of what happened I screamed for help but when I heard footsteps I knew it was going to be him. He comes in with bread and milk but I don't take it, when I asked him where we were he said no where he untied my arms and we were in the middle of the ocean on him dads boat. He told me he was going to never do that again but I new he would, he told me that we were having prom so I did. When I got ready Cynthia came I she sees the state I'm in and she asks me what's wrong but as I'm about to say something Vinnie comes in to take photos.

We got into the like ball room thing and there was Quinton, Madi, Cynthia, Mattia I told the girls what happened and Vinne found out and he dragged me on his lap and smacks my ass like you would a child but he did it like 50 times harder while the others watched. The others tried to stop him but nothing worked Quinton called the cops to come and help me.

I posted a picture on Instagram and the US police department commented on it and said that they were on their way and they were. I went outside on the deck and saw them. They took all of us on the boat, my dad and Ben were there.

It was Christmas Day and I just woke up I went looking for my mom but I didn't find her so i called her and Vinnie answered he told me to come to a random place. Before I got there I called my dad because I didn't know if I was going to come out of that alive. When I get in I see my mom with tears down her face I tell him to let her go and he does. When we hug I hear a bang and.... she dropped to the floor he shot her. I watched her die in my arms her lasts words was her telling my that she loved me.

After she died Vinnie takes her out of my arms and throws her outside, he comes back and ties my arms and legs to the bed  and then I was raped again but this time he was so sick to start a live on my main instagram so everyone can see. 3 days later I woke up and I was in the Vinnie's room in his house I thought it was all a dream but it wasn't, he dragged me to the street by my neck and leaves me there I walk a bit trying to remember where I was but then I passed out.

Six weeks later and it was my mom's funeral it probably was the worst moment of my life. My mom meant the world to me she was the one who always pushed me to go with my heart and not my mind. My moms funeral no one wore black because she hated the idea of it. I still remember the note I wrote for her it was poorly written. "I know that I was always a pain in the ass and I regret that so much now. I'm sorry I wish I could go back in time and that this happened to me and not you. I know your up there watching over me and I'm going to make you the proudest mother ever. I know you wanted me to start doing music so that's what I'm going to do. I wish I could stalk to you  and tell you that I love you" then that was it I couldn't finish it so I ran out of the church and go to Cynthias house and everyone was there even though I invited them to the funeral and they said they can't come.

I went to a cliff that me mom showed me and I sat there talking to her even though she probably couldn't hear me. I get a glass I found on the ground and I started I started to cut myself with it until I get tapped on the shoulder. I turned around and I saw Cooper this was the first time talking to him ever after taking for a while me dad comes and Cooper gave me his jumper to cover it up so he wouldn't see.

I lose all of my friends because of what Vinnie did to me I only had Anna left but my dad told me we were moving to Canada to be closer with family and at first I hated that idea but when I thought of it I knew it was right for both of us.

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