Chapter Two

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Charmed Lakes was a rather extravagant apartment complex. Its granite building could nearly pass for a skyscraper, and ornate gold designs were sprinkled across the architecture. Eloise was impressed by the improved building styles. She was thrilled to live in a more common location than a temple and she smiled at the thought of interacting with others. Saveria couldn't care less. All she wanted was to live underground, away from light. However, that would mean she had to leave her sister, and that wasn't going to happen anytime soon.

Thomas led the two ladies inside of Charmed Lakes. The main entrance was grand indeed. Two round, symmetrical marble staircases wrapped around the main desk. In the center of the room was a fountain with decorations of water lilies and vines. People in semi-formal clothing were coming in and out from the building, some laughing, others frowning at their paperwork or phones.

Thomas walked up to the main desk and smiled at the receptionist, "Hello, ma'am."

"Sir," She curtly nodded, "I assume you're here for the keys for the suite you've been renting for... ten years now?"

Thomas laughed nervously, "Heh, that's the one..."

The receptionist sighed and pulled the appropriate key from a cabinet behind the desk, "I've made a large exception for you, Mr. Ward. My boss isn't very happy with this, and you better fill the apartment tonight."

Thomas smiled, "Of course, Ms. Chambers."

Ms. Chambers handed Thomas the key for the apartment. Thomas thanked her, then left having the two goddesses follow him. They went up one of the marble stairs and to the elevator. Saveria nearly lost it when they went inside of the machine, but with a bit of convincing, she enjoyed the ride up.

"Mr. Ward, how does the, 'elevator,' work?" Eloise questioned once they stepped out onto the third floor of the massive structure.

"There's a cable inside which pulls the compartment, which we were just in, upwards. Machinery translates your input from a press of a button, to move the compartment upwards or downwards to the floor of your choosing." Thomas smiled, walking down the hallway a few steps.

"That's quite fascinating." Eloise smiled back.

Thomas used the key to unlock the door and proceeded to hold it open for Saveria and Eloise.

"Everything inside here is yours," Thomas shut the door behind them and handed the keys to Eloise, "Here are the keys, once you've taken a look here, I'll show you around town."

The apartment was furnished quite extravagantly. In the living room was a television and a tanned leather sofa with a glass coffee table between the two. Underneath was a white spotted wool rug which was as fluffy as it looked. The L-shaped island kitchen was complete with a stove oven, refrigerator, and sink, fully furnished with pots, pans, and dishware. There was a small dining room, and past that a balcony which overviewed the city's park. A short hallway held a bathroom, closet, bathroom, and two bedrooms.

"This is rather nice! Thank you, Mr. Ward." Eloise beamed as she finished exploring the apartment.

"Of course! Only the best for you." Thomas grinned back at her.

Saveria sneered at him, "She's better off without you."

Eloise gave Saveria a sarcastic smile, "That's plenty of disgrace towards him, Sav."

Saveria grumbled in response and crossed her arms over her chest, "You're too kind..."

Thomas smiled as best he could before clearing his throat to speak, "Now that you've seen your fully furnished home, I'll lead you- Oh, forgive me, you both have been asleep for so long, are you hungry?"

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