Now if it were (y/n) playing she would have died the whole entire time because of how bad her skills were. That typically led to Katsuki yelling at her about how bad she was. Which could lead up to him stealing the controller from her and sucking just as bad. Those were good times.

She could tell Shinso didn't just game, he was there to review products, try out hacks, make a fool out of himself while acting like it didn't bother him while he sat slouched in his chair and stoic as ever. She realized one video was quickly passed and now he was onto a review for a company that had sponsored him. He described things in detail and showed the very many things he loved about the product and showed the things he would change. He knew what he was talking about, and was intelligent with his comments.

It was calming, enough for her to forget the pain she was somewhat good at hiding and fall asleep for a quick nap.

"Kitten, you took a nap," Shinso said, sitting down beside her ;getting his hand gradually carried through her hair. (y/n) could honestly get used to this.

"Did I?" she sat up and leaned forward onto his broad chest cuddling close for warmth out of habit.

"Of course," he wrapped his arms around allowing himself to indulge just this once, but he couldn't make this a regular thing. At some point he would have to protect her from his feelings and hide the fact that he liked her a little too much.

He was so used to being told he was a terrible boyfriend, one that ignored his girlfriend. Even if it was the opposite way around and she really ignored him, made him emotionally numb to the point where he would hide in the house for days wondering if this was a dream since he couldn't feel a thing. It made him scared and afraid he could relapse into those times, that's why he only made this a dare of trying to tick off her brothers. But he found himself weaved into her web of love and adoration, he wanted to be with her so badly.

"I want to stay like this and sleep for the rest of the day," she pouted and clung to him."

His soft laugh was buried deep within his chest, making the girl relax when she felt the vibration of it.

"I guess we can stay like this for a bit," he smiled, his head propped on top of hers and the two rocked back and forth in a soothing manner. He hated to think this, but he entirely felt like he was in heaven at the moment. If he was this happy then marrying her would make him kill over from the happiness.

"Do you like being YouTube famous?" she asked out of the blue.

"No," he paused and reflected on all the things it brought along. "It doesn't do me any good, I rather open up a shop for coffee shop or something else, have a normal life."

"Why a coffee shop?" she asked curiously and looked up at the man.

"Because it's where I met you, and plus I drink it a shit ton, like my father." she giggled and reached her hands up and around his neck.

"How sweet, maybe we can do it together?" she said being positive. "We could call it Lava Java, or No Doze Café. oh! How about screamin' beans?"

"Screamin' beans? Where do you come up with these," he chuckled and leaned down closer to her lips. He wanted so badly to kiss her, she felt the same. But did the two? no, a missed opportunity is what that was.

"Google searches," she smirked and hugged him.

"Maybe one day, do YouTube until I can afford supporting you and that coffee shop of ours. Just so I know I could give you the best life ever." her heart fluttered at his words, he must have thought about this long and hard. So was that a sign, did he want this as much as she did.

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