Chapter 5. Group of friends

Start from the beginning

All the students nodded their heads.

Teacher: "So my name is Mister Peterson wolfile or Peter file for short."

The class fell silent upon hearing his name, Bunga raised his hand.

Teacher: "Yes, any questions for me young honey badger?"

Bunga stood up from his desk.

Bunga: "Sooo? Your name is Mr Pedophile?"

Everyone in the class laughed after hearing that.

Teacher: "No, my name is Mr Peter file, not a paedophile."

Janja: "Well, it sounds like a paedophile."

Everyone laughed again when Janja say it.

Teacher: "That's Mr Peter's file to you! Listen, everyone! I'm not a child predator, okay?"

Janja: "Well, you are a wolf."

Bunga: "And wolves are extraordinary predators."

Jasiri: "Plus, wolves are apex predators and they are at the top of the food chain."

Teacher: "I know, I am a wolf but I'm not some kind of vicious child predator, plus for what I raped and killed a child for no particular reason. I love children and I used to play with them when I was a kindergarten teacher."

Bunga: "See, he likes children. So he's a paedophile."

The whole class laughed again.

Janja: "He must pretend to be a kindergarten teacher so he can kill a child."

The teacher is getting furious.

Teacher: "Listen to me, Hyena!" He points his finger to Janja and then he points his other finger to Bunga.

Teacher: "You too, Honey badger!"

Both of his hands are pointing at these two teenage mammals.

Teacher: "You two are most naughty and I don't like naughty students."

Janja: "I'm sorry, sir."

Bunga: "Yeah, it won't happen again. I'll promise."

They both apologized to the teacher.

Teacher: "You're lucky today is my first day here. If not, I might punish you both."

The bell is ringing, it's time for breaks for all of the students in this school.

School hallway

All the students left the class and headed to the school cafeteria.

Kion and his friends were all out of the class, the gang wanted to go to the cafeteria but their teacher wanted to say something to Janja and Bunga.

Teacher: "This is my first day here and I will not punish you first but if you two do it again, I will punish you both to run 10 laps on the school track, understand?"

Both: "Yes, sir."

Teacher: "Now, you can enjoy your break time."

The teacher left the group and headed to the teacher's staff room, after he disappeared from their sight because he headed towards the staffroom, Janja says something.

Janja: "Does anyone realize that he looks like a paedophile that lives in an RV?"

All 7 of them laughed because what Janja said was right.

Bunga: "He does look like a paedophile." Bunga said with a laugh.

After 7 of them stopped laughing, they immediately headed to the school cafeteria.

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