Chapter 2 - Like Cinderalla at the strike of midnight

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As Harry walked in the Black's manor his eyes widened.

"What's all this?" Harry asked. Their were dragon chains, cat food, and other things of that sort.

"Your creature inheritance." Sirus said. "It's going to be ugly."

"And why's that?" By now Harry had his hands on his hips.

"Because everyone's creature inheritance is ugly. Now we've just got to wait 10 more minutes."

"10? Are you kidding me?" Harry asked.

"No," said Sirus. "I am not." Harry made himself comfy on the couch and began to read his textbooks, he'd come similar to Hermoine the last couple of months and it was all because of what she'd become. What she'd done. Harry looked up at the clock. One minute till twelve. He thought, one more minute till whatever happens....happens. The seconds started to go down and Sirus backed away from Harry and Ron did as well.

"What's wrong? Think I'll bite you?" Harry joked when he felt low, and no one but these two could tell.

"You'll be fine, Harry." Sirus said.

"What he said, mate." Ron added before both boys gave him a reassuring smile. The clock struck midnight and Harry screamed. The touture had never been so rough. He started to cry and roll himself up in a ball but when they tried to comfort him he hissed at them. What was he turning into? He rocked himself back and forth and then started to stop crying. It had only been a minute and he was already feeling better. Things that were new were that he could smell things, hear things, and see things normal people couldn't with their own senses.

"Y - Your a neko?" Ron said, pointing a finger in his direction.

"I'm a what?" Harry asked. He dashed to the mirror. Ron was right, he was a neko.

"I - I'm a neko" Harry said. "My father w - was a wolf and my mother was a neko, no wonder I was on edge this week, I knew something was up!"

"Your eyes flashed too." Sirus said, finally when Harry had calmed down. "From green to red then back to green, know anything about that?"

"Okay, so, you see, sometimes my magic gets out of control when I'm angry, and when that happens my eyes turn red. They can do this during a threat, or just me being plain angry." Harry explained.

"That's cool mate, your kind of like Cinderalla at the ball." Ron pointed out.

"No, Ron." Harry shook his head and smiled at his friend. How his friends knew little to nothing about muggle fairy tales. "Cinderalla lost her magic at the ball, I've just found mine."

"What about the Hermoine problem?" Ron blurtered out. "I'm sorry I just want to talk about it." Harry sighed. His friend was right, if they wanted to get past this they needed to talk about it. Harry's ears twitched slightly. He remembered the night like it was yesterday. Harry had just finished studying and went up to see Hermoine. But, he saw Hermoine talking with Dumbledore - or rather arguing. He pulled out his cloak and threw it on him to hear what they'd said.

"I want more money! Now!" Hermoine whined like a brat.

"You see, if we take anymore money he'll start to get suspicious." Dumbledore (or should I say dumb-as-a-door) said.

At the time, Harry didn't think they were talking about him. Who? He thought, Why does Hermoine want money from somebody?

"But, sir, he's so annoying! He says 'Oh, Hermoine, I just can't do it! I can't go back to the Dursely's they keep beating me and then don't want to know what he does!" Hermoine protested. Harry froze. He felt tears fall from his eyes. He had to manage to keep back sobs to hear what Dumbledore said.

"Yes, I know he's annoying but we need him to beat the dark lord." Dumbledore explained. "You have to wait a bit more my dear, keep the act up a bit longer and you can have all the money you want."

Harry was shocked but tears stopped him from going insane. He dashed out of there as fast as he could. In the empty classroom he screamed, "I hate you Hermoine Jane Ganger!"

Harry sighed, "Fine Ron." He sat down next to him. "Hermoine is not good, hell, I don't even know if the light side is good anymore."

"Yeah..." Ron muttered, "I thought 'Moine was a good person but I guess she isn't."
Sirus sighed, "Harry maybe you should go to sleep with Ron."

"Sleep with Ron?" Harry asked, his eyes widening. "NO!"

"Not sleep with Ron." Sirus forget that Harry was still thinking he was with Veron. "Go to bed at the same time."

"What he said mate, I'd never sleep with you. No offense mate." Ron pointed out.

I'm Yours Master. (A Tomarry story.)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat