A Bulbasaur, Charmander and Squirtle were the other three seeming to watch everyone closly while also looking after the eevee evolutions

"I thought pokemon were good..." Uraraka states looking towards me, I didn't answer looking at the five pokemon with guilt

Aizawa started forming a plan which I couldn't bring myself to listen to, these pokemon were hurt and scared

A wave of negative emotions spread through me like wild fire, burning me on the inside. The five pokemon stepped forward, Meowth and Pikachu jumped down facing me

"Girly, what is happening to you?"

"I don't know Meowth, but there's bigger issues to attend to... we have to get those five pokemon to safety without hurting them, if we fight them we could scare them more..."

A puff of purple mist appeared infront of us

"Hello, we are the League of Villains"





Oh oh come on!!! Why

Thirteen was yelling at Bakugo and Kirishima not to attack this guy who hasn't got a physical body which they ignored and jumped at him

The guy was not happy and took some of the class somewhere, leaving myself Meowth and-


Multiple emotions that weren't mine flooded in my brain, confusion, anger, pain, fear, they all weren't mine but came from different sources for sure... the confusion was strongest as if it was right next to me

"Meowth, I'm gonna need you to be a translator for me"

He jumps onto my shoulder

"Got it girly"

"Y/n? Where are you going?" Mina asked turning to me

I was about to run down the stairs when Sero grabbed me with his tape

"Sero let me go"

"Can't do that"

I shook my head, looking towards the five pokemon seeing Flareon protect the other evolution as a villain got closer

"I need to help the pokemon Sero please"

Sero paused for a moment before removing the tape

"Dont get hurt"

I nod running down the steps and towards the five pokemon hearing Mina and Uraraka yell for Thirteen but not turning back

Another wave of fear hit me, stronger this time, I looked around seeing no villains had noticed me. The guy covered in hands seemed preoccupied as well, meaning the bird with the brain showing wouldn't attack me either

Then I looked forward, the five pokemon stood infront of me all in defensive positions, the Glaceon who was probably the youngest or new to their evolution, stood behind Flareon ready to attack but also seeming to hesitate

"Its okay guys... I'm not here to hurt you"

They didn't move, not trusting my words at all. They seemed to talk together for a moment before the Charmander stepped closer

I held my hand out to them, not expecting the F/c glittery aura to emit from it. The Charmanders eyes sealed shut for a moment before they visibly calmed, the scars that once littered its body were gone. The mist floated over to the other four healing their past injurys and seeming to make them feel safer

Five feelings of gratitude floated through me, making me smile. I didn't know what it was but I had guesses

The gratitude was replaced with fear again, another one added to the mix as I was shoved into a wall by something with the sheer force of a car

I fell to the ground looking up to see the disgusting creature with the brain showing through its head, behind it Izuku, Tsu and Mineta were carrying Aizawa and All Might had just appeared in the door

The pale man covered with hands walked closer to me, a devilish smile plastered on his face.

Feeling a pokeball form itself made me worry, it opened showing the trouble maker, Eevee, she stood infront of me in a defensive position

"Ah, a pokemon ey?"

I coughed slightly, shifting my body so I wasn't laying fully on the ground and glared at him

"Dont touch Eevee..."

He laughed dryly crouching down towards me as All Might took out the other villains in the main area

"You'd be a... fun addition to the league"

He reached out to grab me but Eevee jumped in the way, yelping in pain as they crumpled to the floor, their fur and skin seeming to turn to dust...

I yell in fear, holding my arm out to her and letting the F/c mist surround her, allowing the flesh wound to heal up enough to stop bleeding but not fully

"Meowth get the other five to help take Eevee back to the class okay?" I stumbled slightly as I lifted myself fully from the ground, handing him eevees pokeball "I'll be right behind you"

Meowth looked annoyed but cooperated none the less getting the other five to join him and carry Eevee to safety

"Why are you here?"

"To kill the symbol of peace"

"Then why attack my class?"


"We aren't gonna have the same ideology as fifty year old men in spandex, if that's your reason"

Annoyed at my retort, he grabbed my arm with four fingers, dragging me over to where the misty guy is

"Oi Crusty let me go"

All might and the bird like creature started fighting, All Might seemed to be losing but Crustys hold grew tighter as ice shot up the nomu even through the portals

A fifth finger connected to my wrist, it felt like my arm was on fire and being ripped apart at the same time, I yelled out trying to kick him away and dislodge his grip but he held tighter, my wrist turning charcoal and floating off

I kicked him as hard as I could, finally getting him off my wrist muttering curses

"Jeez thats a painful grip you got..."

I ran over to Todoroki, Kirishima, Bakugo and Izuku. Standing by Kirishimas side I hovered my hand over the damage Crusty did, healing it enough to not cause severe damage

"You alright L/n?"

"Yeah I'm fine"

I sigh turning to the class, seeing the new five pokemon surround Eevee for safety and Meowth watching the fight

I smile, leaning into Kiris side after feeling a wave of exhaustion hit me but that quickly subsided after hearing ice shatter

Looking up I could see the bird like creature, a 'Nomu' as Crusty called it, start to rip itself apart just to try and kill All Might and it didn't bat an eyelid

Did it even have eyelids?

"Uhh... what do we do?"


"I don't know if we can... I mean that things beating All Might!"

I gripped kiris shoulder, everything going blurry and yells mushed together then back to normal

Black dots formed in my vision but it felt different, it didn't feel like mine, it didn't feel like I was gonna pass out and collapse but at the same time it did

Looking over to the pokemon again, they looked more panicked with a few of my classmates attempting to calm them. Except Meowth he was looking at me with qqhat I could guess was a raised eyebrow


"I don't feel too good..."

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