Chapter 4- My Reaction Saturday, April 27, 2014

Start from the beginning

"I guess you're right." Melly said.

"I know I'm right. Tell you what; why don't we go now and talk about it at Somewhere Only We Know? I will buy us ice cream on the way?" I suggested.

"You don't have to do that." She said in a weak voice.

"I want to. For you." I said.

"Okay." Melly said.

There was a knock on the door, snapping the both of us out of our conversations. We turned our attentions to the intruder, which happens to be Mike.

"Uh, are you guys going to get pizza?" The bass player asked.

After that news, "We're not exactly hungry right now." Melly and I said in unison. I looked back at her for a second before I turned back to Mike.

"Alright." Mike said, "Well, are you guys coming upstairs or something?"

"Listen Mike, thank you for your generosity in inviting us to your home, so we can practice these songs together. We had a great time, but we must go because Melly doesn't feel very well." I said, helping my girlfriend get up. I mentally raised an eyebrow at myself from my use of language.

I could tell that Melly was doing the same to me, without even looking at her. I'm not very good in English class, but at least I'm trying. I mean it seems like I paid attention to something in that class.

"Um, okay. See you on Monday, I guess. Feel better, Melly." Mike said, waving at us.

"Thank you." She said as we left the garage.

I helped her climb into my black 2000 Nissan Maxima and raced to the other side to start the car.

Once we pulled out of the driveway and only a couple of blocks away from the Cooks' house, I pulled over and parked the car. Melly and I looked at each other with the same goofy expression on our faces and started laughing. It felt so good to laugh after all we've been through this past month. Especially after receiving that news today.

"That was the funniest thing, I've ever heard." She said.

"Yeah, I actually sounded intelligent for a second there, didn't I?" I said, laughing.

"If you want to call it that, yeah. I mean the biggest word that you've used was generosity, but whatever floats your boat." She said, wiping her eyes.

It wasn't even that funny to a normal person. But we're obviously not normal people. We're Derek and Melina after all.

"Shall we?" I said, putting my hand on the break.

Melly nodded, "We shall."

I put the car in "drive" and drove us to Rita's ice cream shop.

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