The Reunion

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"Come here crybaby," I said and she hugged me

"Fuck you..." she sniffed then laughed

"I guess I shouldn't have the right to say this but you better not be joking, my heart was barely capable of handling the fact that you were alive," Ela said 

"Really? when I showed you my face it didn't seem like you were shocked," I smirked at her 

"You know I was acting tough..." She said then looked at the bed and laughed 

"I cried like a bitch today though..." She added as she was wiping the tears off her face, I rolled my eyes and stood up, and asked her to meet me in the meeting room 

Five Minutes Later
Meeting Room

When I arrived at the meeting room, I saw Raven, Harry, April, Kali, Ela's mother, Zofia, and Nokk. Kal was holding Nook because she was struggling. I also noticed Kali was looking at me angrily, I don't blame her. After a few minutes, Ela arrived and Yun came after her along with Grace and Leon. 

"Hey, cap can I punch her? I mean she doesn't stand still!" Kal said 

"You are a man! fight like one!" Nokk said 

"Shut up Nokk, I highly doubt you can take on Reegar," Raven said 

"Why am I here?" Ela's mother asked 

"Nokk, I mean 'Laura Bosak' is going to help us on the next mission," I said and the Bosaks were shocked to hear me say that Nokk was a Bosak

"What?!" They said

"Jan Bosak had an 'Affair with one of the royal family of Denmark, that affair brought Nokk into this world, and then he disappeared," Yun said 

"I never shed a tear for that guy when he died, he left us without saying a word, Laura. She removed the hoodie of her head revealing a woman with short black hair, black lipstick 

"I already know how to stop all this and the reason I am doing this is that I want everyone at their best, I felt like you girls, as sisters, need to be together now more than ever," I said. Laura was looking at the floor when Zofia extended her hand to her and help her get up.

"I never got the chance you had to grow up with a father..." Laura said and Ela chuckled 

"I am glad you missed it, look at my relationship with Zo. With father, it was always a contest of who was the best daughter," Ela words made Zofia chuckled 

"I am willing to leave the past behind, (y,n) is right. We have to be united now more than ever and not because there is an orbital weapon in space that could blast us to hell in any second," Ela said 

"I can't believe you guys talk like that about your father," Ela's mother said 

"We are not talking shit about our father, mom. All we are saying is the truth," Zofia's words made her mother storm off the room. At that moment Nokk looked at me 

"What do you need me to do?" She said and I smiled then looked at Yun. She made her way to the table and when she turned it on 

"To defeat the white masks, first, we have to know where Markus is hiding, I believe Taylor may know where he is hiding, and I was wondering if you know where he is, Ela," Yun looked at Ela then she looked at me and I nodded 

"Taylor spent most of his time in his private Island. Since you guys know where that place is the only place I can think of is in the Dagran building located in Dubai city," Ela said 

"Are you sure? If we are to deploy Rainbow we-" Harry was saying but I interrupted him 

"Rainbow is not going anywhere. The Wraiths, Nokk, and Ela will go," I said, and Ela nodded 

Rainbow Six Siege (Ela Bosak X Male Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang