Operation: Heartsplint

Comenzar desde el principio

Moxie: Oh. Well, I need to call Millie and Blitz to tell them the job's done.

Bendy: Cool, Mox. *sits in a booth, sighs* I missed this booth.

Marge: It sure has been a while, Ben. Say, how about I fix up a little breakfast for dinner for you and your friend?

Bendy: That'd be nice. Thanks, Marge.

Minutes later, Moxxie walks back to the booth to find Bendy was sitting at the booth, enjoying a plate of waffles.

Moxxie: Blitz said he needed to get the book from Stolas. A portal should open in a couple minutes.

Bendy: Cool. I wasn't sure what to order for you, so I just got you the special she had today.

Moxxie shrugged as he sat down. As he did, the nearby jukebox played a tune Bendy's ears hasn't been touched by ever since his death.

Bendy: Hey, Surfin' Bird! That's one of my favorite songs ever. Guess Marge read my mind.

Moxxie: Actually Bendy, that was my doing.

Bendy: You know Surfin' Bird? How do you even know what that song is?

Moxie: From you. I hear you hum it under your breath a lot.

Bendy: Huh. Nice.

Marge came back with a plate of bacon and eggs and laced it in front of Moxxie.

Bendy: Thanks Marge. *reaches into pocket* How much?

Marge: Oh, don't. It's on me, Benjamin. Just hand over your plate when you're both done. *goes back to kitchen*

Moxxie: Huh, bacon and eggs. *smiles* My favorite breakfast to have on a rainy saturday morning.

Bendy: Y'know, this is nice. We should hang out more often Mox.

Moxie: We could do this sort of thing in Hell, but I didn't ask because I didn't want everyone to assume you were secretly gay.

Bendy: Mox, that doesn't matter if people think that about me. Besides, I told you before, I'm Pan.

Moxie: You know, I've always heard you say that, but I've never really seen any proof you were also into guys.

Bendy: Well, how could I? Lobo and Husk are my friends, Ren and Baxter already have a thing, Collin and Cletus are in a relationship with Keenie, Angel freaks me the hell out, and Blitz is a bit too erratic for my taste. I have an interest, I just haven't found that guy. What about you?

Moxxie: Well, I guess you could call me...Bi-curious. I mean, I have a bit of an attraction to men, but I never really had the chance to admit it to anyone. But-

He pauses, then looks down at his nearly empty plate.

Bendy: But what?

Moxxie: *sigh* The one time I might've found a guy I could like, I also find out he has two girlfriends.

Bendy: Oh. O-Oh my god, are you serious?!

Moxxie nodded, ashamed but Bendy saw this and tried to comfort him.

Moxxie: Yeah, I...had a crush on you Bendy. You're strong, kind, understanding. Kinda like a male Millie.

Bendy: Well, to be honest. I always kinda knew.

Moxxie: What?

Bendy: You didn't think I saw you staring at my bare torso and havin' a nosebleed when you and MIlls had that break?

Moxxie: You knew I had a thing for you? *downcast* So, that's why you don't like hanging out with me alone.

Bendy: What, No. I don't hate being alone with you, Moxxie. You're one of my closest friends. And...I kinda found some attraction in you too.

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