Beck examined the blistering skin on the side of my hand. "What do you need? Do you need ice?"

"No!" Ms April and I exclaimed at the same time. You never put ice on a burn. Ever. "I got it love, okay. Can you please do me favor and bring me the aloe vera gel from the bathroom?"

Beckham nodded leaning down placing a kiss on my forehead. "Yeah baby, no problem."

"You know if you need help sugar, Lina and I are more than willing to lend a hand." Ms. April offered as I went over to the sink running my hand under some cold water trying to ease the pain.

"It's okay. Everything is mostly done. I just needed to finish the candied yams. The mac and cheese is finishing in the oven, the mashed potatoes were made last night they just need to be warmed. Same with the green beans and brussel sprouts. The Turkey is on the balcony in the smoker." Smoked Turkey is the only way to eat turkey, there's no argument.

"The Turkey is in the smoker?" Xiomara furrowed her eyebrows together in confusion. "Won't that burn the stuffing."

I sighed softly. I told Beckham this was going to happen. Black people do Thanksgiving a little differently. There is no stuffing, there is dressing. There's no sweet potato casserole, there's candied yams. There's also fried chicken and/or gumbo depending on how extra your family is. The way I grew up, we have Jamaican meat patties and fried plaintains. While my mother isn't Jamaican, she grew up in Queens. Soo... That's self-explanatory.

In an effort to be inclusive, I still made green bean casserole and a few other traditional sides so Xiomara should be fine.

"I don't think she stuffed the Turkey..." Lina shook her head. The Turkey was stuffed, with onions, garlic and numerous herbs and spices but I planned on removing those things before serving it. They're there to add flavor.

At this point, Beckham returned to the kitchen with the bottle of aloe vera gel as well as my med bag. I couldn't help but let out a giggle. I asked him for one thing and he's going to walk in here with my entire medical kit. I have no use for an AED right now. I have a second degree burn.  He's always doing the absolute most.

"Thank you. But I really only need the aloe vera and maybe the some gauze, but that's it."

"Please take her somewhere." Ms April interjected, rolling her eyes at me. She got up rolling up her sleeves shooing me out of the way. "She's already done the cooking it just sounds like everything needs to be warmed up and Len doesn't need to be near anymore hot surfaces."

"Y'all are so dramatic. I am fine." Beckham glanced between Ms. April and myself then wrapped an arm around my waist, picking me up.

He kissed my forehead again. "Your hand is in pretty bad shape Princess. And you were down here cooking all night, you should get some rest." He explained carrying me out of the kitchen.

"Whatever. It's not like I enjoy cooking anyways..." It is something that I have to do but hardly ever something I enjoy doing. "Can you rub my feet Daddy?"

"Lennox." Beckham's voice dropped an octave as he carried me down the long hallway towards our bedroom. "I've told you about that shit."

What was it Tamar Braxton said? If you call him Daddy, you know he getting in them panties. That's essentially how Beckham feels about it as well. You would think the child could take a hint.

I let my hand drift down to his ass giving it a squeeze. "That's my last time warning you Lennox."

"You have nice butt." I grinned up at him knowing he wasn't bothered by the fact I touched his butt nearly as much as my relentless teasing. We both know I'm not going to have sex with him while our families are here.

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