Chapter 1- Suspicious Sunday, April 13, 2014

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Lately, Melly has been getting sick. She's been out of school for the last two weeks because she was really ill. I thought it could be food poisoning or the stomach bug, but I get the feeling it's another condition. And Melly rarely gets sick. At least not like this.

"She could be pregnant?" I thought.

I laughed at that.

No, that can't be it. There's no way she could have gotten pregnant from that night. Could she? No. No. Just no. There's got to be something else that's going on with her. We're way too young to have a child, right now. We're only in the last half of high school. I don't think that she could be pregnant.

"There is a possible way that she could be pregnant from that night and you know it! Also, if you two thought that you were ready to have sex that night, then I guess you two are ready for-" My conscious told me, but I decided to shut it up.

You know what, no. I'm obviously overthinking all of this. I need to take a nap to clear my head of such thoughts.

"She's not pregnant." I said to myself, before closing my eyes and going to sleep.


I woke up to the sound of my brother entering the room.

"Hey, what's up?" I said, picking up my guitar and tuning it.

"Nothing much. Sorry, I woke you up." John said, kicking his shoes off to the side.

"Oh, it's not a problem, John. I needed it." I said. Well, I do have some homework to do, but I figured I can ask John about that before class started tomorrow. I started to play "Blackbird" by The Beatles, but decided to play a random tune instead. "So, how was Melly?"

"She's good. She just wanted to talk to someone." He said, settling on the couch that is between our beds.

So why didn't she come to me? I've been her boyfriend for almost seventeen years. What the hell is on in her mind that she could say to John, but not me? I really am worried about her and she knows it!

"Did she say anything?' I asked, trying to get some answers.

"Um, uh, it-it's n-nothing for you to worry about." He said.

"Uh huh." I said, making sure he knows that I'm not buying one bit of it. "Anyway, Melly should be here by seven. I would appreciate it, if you would just leave the backyard occupied."

"No problem, bro. I'm going to go to Debbie's house tonight." John said, cheerfully.

I rolled my eyes.

Debbie Moore is an upper middle-class girl who gets really good grades in everything. She has been dating John for the past five months or so. She's a really nice girl, it's just that she's sort of creepy. She had a huge crush on me during freshman year and she tried to rape by putting some roofie material in my non-alcoholic drink at a small party last year. Luckily, I saw what she was doing and switched our drinks. I made sure she was in a safe place, before going back to my girlfriend. I'm not sure if anything happened to her at the party, because after that she started to be really to call me really disrespectful names, belittle me for not having the same IQ, and what not. It was really annoying, so imagine how I felt when John told me that he was going out with her. I mean of course I was happy that he finally got himself a girl, but why her?

"Don't make that face. I really like her and I would like you to be more respectful than that." John said.

"I know, I'm sorry." I apologized, dragging my fingers up and down my guitar neck.

"It's alright, bro. Listen, I'm going to leave now. I should be back around ten." John said, going out the door.

"Alright, see you." I said, not looking up from my guitar.

"See ya." He said, closing the door.

Something is going on with Melly that she told my brother first instead of me and I am going to find out.

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