"OK, OK ... calm down again. If you're so keen that we stop kissing, we can continue with the plan, "said Regina seriously again and held out her hand to get Rumple to transfer the magic he had to her and with it the promise that she would never be able to use magic again.

"Let's start," said the black-haired woman approached everyone else in the room, hardly that she had regained her old, accustomed strength and nodded to the group of people standing in the room, who were infected by their newfound enthusiasm to help Snow White and Emma.

Encouragingly, Regina closed her hand again with Daniel, who had looked a bit scared until a second ago, and briefly looked for his gaze in confirmation so that she could see with relief that he was incredibly proud of her and that he had apparently come to terms with the whole situation.

" I would love you all to leave your hearts here. I don't want to give her the chance to hurt any of you!" she proposed and ignored the shocked expression of Daniel and Henry while she pulled out clean tupper ware boxes of her kitchen and gave all of them one.

" Jane... I will never ever, ever rip my heart out again as well as let someone else do it" her fiancée made his intensions clear and looked at her in horror.

" I know darling I know. But If I don't do it, she will do it. With the small differences that she will not be gentle while ripping and that she will crush it." her voice suddenly became louder and eager, while stepping near to him.

" I will be gentle!" she confessed to him, not even able to imagine the fear which was increasing in his body now, feeling the wave of proud washing over her as he nodded slowly.

" Are you ready?" she asks with a low, gentle voice accepting the kiss, which he started to distract himself, placing her hand softly on his chest, before letting her hand slip in his chest to grap his heart and rip it out with the most amount of gentleness she was capable off.

" It's over.... it's over" she whispered utterly proud at her fiancée when he inhaled sharply, and exhaled shaking again, focusing entirely on the voice of Regina and her hands which where stroking his hair, causing a strange sensation in him, because he didn't had a heart in him now.

In a swift movement she grapped her own heart, placing it in the same box as Daniels, bevor closing it and walking to her son, who seemed even ok with ripping his heart out wnd leaving it here, making her unbelievable proud of Henry and his trust forwards her.

" I can get used to it you know... feeling without a heart beating in my chest. Because that reminds me, that I don't need a heart in me to love you as deeply as I ever loved you" he smiled and whipped away her tears of joy gently, while they went outside

"We don't ride?" dared the Man who was new in the modern world to ask when he saw the car, his fiancée was getting into, so that she couldn't hold back a laugh and paused for a moment.

"The is called a car and is nothing more than a motorized carriage. It is much faster than horses and I can assure you that I will get you safely to your destination. Trust me, I know how to drive!" Regina encouraged Daniel and pulled him slowly but steadily into the passenger seat next to her, also waiting for Henry, David and Runple to get in, before she immediately started the engine and sped wildly towards the forest.

"Regina ... You will bring me to my destination, you said. Save you said," Daniel mentioned really scared and didn't really want to show it, but couldn't prevent it because this metal box, which moved as if by magic itself, caused him a lot Panic.

It's all fine Daniel. Mum can handle this. And she's really good at it," Henry tried to reassure Daniel, but that didn't seem to work very well because he only had time for a thin smile before staring back at the street seemed to be whizzing past him at top speed.

"That's great that you find that amusing Jane ... but ..." he started, but didn't get far because Regina with an even wider grin than it was already on her lips now turned the radio up completely and the last one Street up to the forest, was perfect to speed up a little bit.

"Honey, I'm sticking to the 100 speed limit right now. There's no danger at all." Regina explained now more gently and turned the radio down, while she took one hand from the steering wheel and crossed it with her fiancé's.

In the next moment she braked completely as they had arrived at their destination.

"Whitey" escaped Regina a cry of joy when she saw Snow White and Emma, ​​filthy but in good health, running up to them and ran to hug her stepdaughter by herself, surprised at how easy it was to give love now that she was with the person again with whom she loved more than her own life and who only ever brought out the best side of her.

"Regina?" Mary Magret whispered, clearly taken by surprise, but returned the hug, not knowing how she deserved it, but also not willing to turn away from the woman, who was now almost the same age but was still a mother figure for her.

You are alive!" Regina whispered, simply ignoring Mary Magrets "Regina", squeezing her tighter before she pulled Emma into a hug and hugged her with Henry, who had joined their hug, glad that his biological mother returned safely to Storybrooke again.

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