"Do not worry, this is just normal for a mob boss like him" FanXing tried to assured Xiao Zhan from thinking negatively.

The screams, cries of fallen men and sound of ear piercing gun shots continued for a few more minutes before Haoxuan and Bin finally found them and guard them out from the deadly club to the car but something felt wrong as he stared at the men, everyone was them but not everyone.

"Where is Wang Yibo?" Xiao Zhan asked and they stole side glances at each other.

"I believe the boss is still inside" Yuchen was the one who answered. Xiao Zhan gasped and turned towards the entrance of thd club where the screams and gun shot could be heard. Consciously, he stepped forward but Haoxuan held back his wrist.

"What the fuck do you think you are doing?!" Xiao Zhan yelled at him.

"Things didn't go as planned but the boss had enough of their games. He knows what he's doing!" Haoxuan bought out and Xiao Zhan pushed him away harshly.

"How could you say that, Wang Yibo is in there and you are all planning on leaving him behind!" He raised his voice unbelieving.

Zi stepped forward. "We are only following orders Zhan, the boss wants us to leave this place with you. He ordered us, we can't disobey even if we wanted to!"

"I don't care!!"  Shooting the gun in his hand in the air, the perfect way to distract them, Xiao Zhan spined and ran towards the entrance of the club.

"Xiao Zhan!!" Haoxuan called out his name while running after him but the other person was already inside and the entrance exploded throwing all of them backwards to the ground.

"Damn you Xiao Zhan!!" Haoxuan cursed while groaning painfully on the ground.


"How much I've been waiting for this moment" Lan Guangyao smirked, pointing a gun to the aimless person before him. Behind him was chaotic as the fire was catching heavily, leaving just the two of them in the burning floor. Lan Guangyao laughed taking one last drag of his cigar before throwing it away, he continued to smirk at the man before him in black pants and white long sleeves that were folded to his elbows as usual, his eyes hardened as a rock and blood shot. His whole body was covered in blood that obviously didn't belong to him.

"How did it end up like this, just the both of us" Lan Guangyao pointed at himself and the other man, his cheeks burning in heat at the fire but the other person stood there unmoving, calculating his steps, oblivious to the fact that the fire was slowly burning through his flesh, the pain was nothing compared to the pain this man gave to him, why would he care about a little wound but the bigger fish was before him.

Wang Yibo smirked more sadistically. "I wonder too, where are your men. Let me guess, all gone?"

Lan Guangyao gritted his teeth. "You are such a bastard!"

Wang Yibo took a slow step forward. "Do you think you will make it out here alive?"

Lan Guangyao smirked. "I know, which is why am bringing you to hell with me, we would have a lot of fun there. The devil will be happy to see us since we happened to be his servants"

"Tell me why, why did you do it"

Lan Guangyao tilted his head to the side debuting "Oh well, since you are going to die, it's better if I told you the truth, why I did it, why I wanted to wipe her entire existence. You see your mother used to be my high school sweetheart, we were so in love, I thought nothing could break us apart but then she met your father, the man I loathed with so much passion, he stole my girl!!" He shouted, tears rolling from his eyes as he stared at the bastard son of his previous lover, the woman he was willing to give the world to. He looked wretched, afflicted and his eyes were filled with regret. "I wanted her to feel what I felt when she left me but I never expected her to leave this early, I wanted her to see what kind of man her beloved husband was. I played her, we played her and she died, then came her children with him. If she hadn't gone to that whoreson they would have been my children, you would have been my son!!" He suddenly stopped and bursted out laughing sadistically, his eyes slipping with unsaid tears, the only way to express the pain he felt for all those years, the burden he carried on his shoulders. "Then Madam Hua came with this plan, I couldn't refuse"

Wang Yibo shook his head, understanding one of all the nonsense he blabbered. "Turns out you were also her dog"

"Does it matter, she offered me power, she offered me your lives, tell me why I would refused when it has been what I've ever always wanted. I made that father of yours go through stroke, not that you care what happens to him after all, he is also one of your many enemies." he exhaled deeply, and began pulling the trigger, Wang Yibo gazed at him blankly, unpuzzled by the fact the a gun was being pointed at him.

"Your mother and brothers are gone, now it's your turn" then,


Wang Yibo's eyes widened, Lan Guangyao smirked but it turned into a frown as he dropped on his knees. He bought a hand up to his chest and felt thd hot red liquid. He turned his gaze back to Wang Yibo who just stared at him. "I-I really did loved your mom" with that he dropped on the floor with a thud, his eyes wide and open, staring into nothing.

"Xiao Zhan!!" Wang Yibo called as he took fast steps towards the person with a gun in his shaky grip and harsh deep breaths and large expanded eyes. The gun fell out from his hand and his steps wavered but Wang Yibo was able to catch him before he landed on the floor.


Whoa, what an epic scene, Xiao Zhan shot Lan Guangyao saving his beloved.

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