The dream

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A/n: this chapter is going to be quite short. There is a little spice.
You were just chilling in your room when Loki walked in.
"Hey what's up?"
"I need to talk you y/n."

"I'm not exactly sure how to say this. The morning after the party, I was a bit disappointed when you told me that we didn't do anything."
"Please let me finish, its important."
"Y/n, I like you. A lot. Not just as friends. I have for a while now. And the day of the mission, when I said I didn't want things to get tense. I meant that. But I didn't mean the part when I said I want you as my friend."

"Y/n. And the kiss at the party and on the mission, it wasn't nothing. I think you know that though."
You slowly got up from your bed and stood in front of him.

"Loki, I like you a lot too. Not just as friends."
He brought his forehead down to yours and looked in your eyes.

"Does that mean I can do this?" Before you knew what was happening, he softly pressed his lips to yours. His hands resting on your waist. Your lips felt warm as he slowly stepped back.

"Hell yeah." You said breathlessly. His soft laugh made you Herat skip a beat. You held his hands tightly in yours and brought him in for another kiss.
This time his lips pressed hard, there was some kind of urgency in his actions.

He pressed your body against the wall keeping your lips together. Your hands were in his hair, his hands were on your waist.

You lifted your legs around his torso, pulling his body closer to yours. He landed soft kisses down your neck.

"Ok. I think we should take a break." He breathed against your neck.
"But it was just getting good."
"I know y/n. I know."
He slowly let you down and sat on your bed.

"I cant believe I had all my first kisses with a god."
"Wait. Your telling me that the party was your first kiss?"
"Well yeah. I was in captivity for 14 years."
"Well that was your first, but the party was the best kiss I've ever had. Until the mission, then just now."

You smiled at him and blushed furiously.
You grabbed a book and rested your head on his chest.


You sat up sharply, in your bed. Loki wasn't there.
Was that a dream?

I think it was.
Does this mean you like him, for real?
I think it does.

Were you going to tell him?
What would you tell him?

I mean its not everyday you fall in love with a god.

Did you just say love?
Oh shit.

This is going to get real messy.

A/n: Sorry for how short it was. I didn't want it to get too spicy but I also didn't want to give away the next few chapters.

Loki x reader ( slow burn)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora