"Brilliant" Ron said "I'm glad they started that station, the other one was lame compared to this"

"They said the last spot they were in got raided so now they do it in the loft's basement, which makes me nervous but they said they've been even more careful this time"

"I knew it" Harry said getting up from his seat

"Knew what?" Hermione baited

"Voldemort is—"

Ron jumped up the same time I did
"Harry no!!" We both yelled but it was too late

We heard cracks of apparating death eaters surround us
Voices started to fill the area outside of our tent
I glared at Harry but we all stayed silent
Ron took the lights away with his deluminator but they already knew we were here, the jinx summoned them

"We have you surrounded, come out with your hands up" a voice called out

I looked to Hermione who was packing items into her bag as quickly as she could
She stuffed the sword into the bag along with a map she had created for possible spots with Horcruxes

"Harry I'm sorry" she whispered and then shot him in the face with a spell that made him swell up

She looked at me and was about to do the same but our tent was infiltrated with six death eaters all pointing their wands at us

"Drop it" one yelled out

We all dropped our wands and held up our hands
My heart began to race

"Fred" I said trying to contact him
I didn't want him showing up to get caught too but I wanted him to know what was happening

"You've been a hard one to catch" came the voice of Fenrir Greyback now entering our tent "you always seem to slip away but not this time" he smirked at me but then looked at my group "what's your name ugly" he pointed to Harry

"Vernon Dudley" he said, his face was continuing to swell up

Fenrir took out his list and looked for the name
"Your turn beautiful" he pointed to Hermione

"Penelope Clearwater" she said voice shaking

He looked at his list
"Next" he pointed to Ron

"Stan Shunpike" he choked out

"I know Stan and you're definitely not him" Fenrir walked up to Ron and punched him in the stomach making Hermione gasp "try again"

"Barny Weasley" He said spitting blood

Fenrir checked his list
"A Weasley huh? Blood traitors...you'll get me some kind of coin I'm sure" he ushered a death eater to grab him "put him with the rest while I check these two to see if they're lying too" he smirked staring at me "take her too we already know who she is and where she's going"

A death eater grabbed me and threw me to the ground
He bound my hands together behind my back and picked me up to drag me outside of the tent with Ron

When we got outside he threw Ron into a pile of two other prisoners, who I recognized as Dean and a goblin. I got held away from them

I heard Fenrir interrogating Harry and Hermione inside the tent

"Freddie please" why isn't he answering me I know it's late but they just finished the radio show he can't be sleeping

Two death eaters dragged Hermione and Harry out of the tent and threw them into the pile with Dean and Ron

"She looks familiar thinking about it" the one holding Hermione said "she's on the papers"

Fenrir grabbed the paper out of a death eater's hand who was on stand by and matched her face to it
"You're right, says here she's traveling with Harry Potter" he looked at Harry "is that who you are ugly?"

"I'm a slytherin my dad works for the ministry I told you already" Harry said

"Says in the description he's got glasses" the death eater holding Harry said

"Hey I found I found glasses and a sword" one of the death eaters yelled out "she's got them both in her bag"

"Freddie I'm in trouble" I tried again

"Electra what's happening??! We got raided, we're ok we got away but what's going on??"

"You lot are going to a special place" Fenrir said grabbing my face and holding it close to his "we've got two big prizes here boys"

Each death eater grabbed a hold of us and apparated to a spot I didn't think I'd be back so soon
Malfoy Manor

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