Chapter Fourteen

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It was getting late and I decided to head to bed. I headed over to my dads room to find him passed out. I gave him a little kiss on the head before checking on Henry in the basement. He too was passed out, drunk from the looks of it.

I headed back to my room and got changed into an oversized t-shirt and underwear. I then snuggled into bed. I quickly fell asleep and the memories of today's events flooded my mind. The clown, Richie, and Stanley. It was all too much for me.

I shot up from the bed when I heard tapping at my window.

After my recent events with mysterious things, I quickly grabbed my pocket knife, hidden in my dresser and slowly crept over to the window.

It was only the trash mouth.

He mouthed for me to let him in. I opened my window and he crawled inside.

"What the fuck are you doing here? Do you have a death wish?" I whispered.

"Maybe" he said before slamming his lips into mine. He guided me over to the bed and crawled on top of me and began to kiss every square inch of my body.

"Richie" I moaned.

His hands found their way up my shirt and u clipped my bra. I began to unbuckle his pants.

"Shhh" I laughed. "Do you want to get caught?"

"Might add some spice" he added.

"You'll be shot on sight"

"It'll be worth it"

His tongue parted my lips and began to explore all around. I did the same to him. Eventually, I flipped him over and now I was straddling him. He lifted up my shirt, leaving me bare in front of him. He kissed over my breasts and I let out a small moan.

He seemed desperate for this, different from the other night.

"How horny are you right now?" I breathed.


Were we going to be sexual aquatints or did we want to be something more than that? That thought left me wondering.

Soon enough, this all felt wrong.

"Richie- we can't do this" I said as he rubbed my clit through my underwear. As great as it felt, this had to stop.

"Don't worry, I'll be quiet"

His finger teased my folds and that's when I knew we had gone too far. I told Bev I would handle this and it was high time that I did.

"Richie, stop" I said as I got off of him and began to put my clothing back on.

"What the fuck?!" He asked.

I quickly slapped my hand over his mouth to shut him up.

"Shhh! Could you be any louder?" I whispered.

"You should you by now" he laughed.

I rolled my eyes before sitting down next to him and taking his hands.

"Rich, I love you very a friend. But we both know we can't keep doing this. Let's be honest, we would not make a good couple. We would probably end up killing each other."

"You're right" he admitted.

"I mean, don't get me wrong, the sex was great, but it could never be anything more than that. I love Stanley" I admitted.

"I figured"

"And I'm really sorry for dragging you into this"

"Oh don't be! You were right, the sex was completely worth it" he laughed.

I lightly nudged him to shut up.

"If we're being honest with each other right now, can I tell you something?" He nervously asked.

"As long as there are no sexual references"

"I promise" he said as he motioned to take an oath.

I nodded my head for him to talk away.

"I think I have feelings for........Eddie"

"I figured" I sighed.

"What- how?"

"I see the way two are and you guys already act like a married couple. You're perfect for each other" I laughed.

"You think so?"

"I know so"

"Thanks, y/n. Now what are you gonna do about Stan?"

"I don't know. I'm not sure if I'm ready to forgive him"

"He's been really sad lately. His Bar Mitzvah is tomorrow, you should come"

"I don't think he'd want me there" I admit.

"He does"

"I'll think about it, you should be heading home now, Trash mouth."

"Fine" he sighed as he crawled out the window. "One more thing. I just gotta know, who was better, me or Stan?"

"Oh grow up!" I said as I shooed him away.

"What- do I at least get a kiss goodbye, now that we are ending this little affair?" He teased as he leaned his cheek over to me through the window. I rolled my eyes and placed a small kiss on his cheek before he left. I was glad nothing was weird between Rich and I, now I just needed to worry about Stan.

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