Iustitia, Ingenni, et Status Rigidus

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     The theatre was beyond Niamh's imagination. As her friends dragged her inside, the slippery, gold-patterned marble floor turned to a plush velvet carpet that draped over the small steps. It was easy to trip over the slight bumps that hadn't been smoothed over, as evidenced by the number of girls that would either fall or catch themselves before they could meet the same fate. Upon this sight, Niamh took small steps, cautiously setting down one foot after another. It was a hard feat to accomplish. Between the rush of girls pushing and shoving each other to catch a seat next to their friends, and the quick manner in which she was being pulled, it was a matter of time before she fell. She turned around just as someone elbowed her in the back, narrowing her eyes at the unapologetic girl who had quickly pretended to not be the culprit.

     Catching the look on Niamh's face, Dasha squeezed her arm. "Don't mind them. You'll get used to it," she said, rolling her eyes. "It's a jungle out here during the morning. Don't know why they put so much emphasis on being timely when they drag the announcements." The blonde let out an annoyed huff. Her demeanor quickly changed when she spotted three empty seats, jerking her chin in its direction. "Quick!" She yelled, taking the lead.

     Before either of them could react, Fadhi and Niamh were suddenly being dragged by the petite girl. The trio plowed through the rows of girls who had settled into their seats. Niamh could feel the dirty looks on the back of her head, making her mumble a few apologies. However, her mind was preoccupied with not falling over some outstretched legs or backpacks that were dumped at their feet. It was like an obstacle course. An unpredictable one at that. Much to her relief, the seats Dasha had pointed out to them were slowly coming into view. Lifting her eyes, she was on the lookout for any sign that someone else was also interested in the seats. After all, the room was filling up. Quickly. Nearby, she could see two girls who were rushing in the same direction, breaking through the sea of slow students that clogged up the aisles.

     A sudden hit of energy blasted throughout her body. Running faster than ever, it was her turn to pull the girls along. She tightly wrapped her hand around Fadhi's wrist, hoping she wouldn't lose either of them during their small mission. She didn't let go until they got to the finish line, throwing herself on top of the three seats the minute their rivals were running into their row. Flashing them a triumphant grin, Niamh slowly settled into one seat. Fadhi and Dasha followed suit, laughing gleefully at the look on the girl's faces and nudging Niamh playfully.

     "Geez, aren't you bloody competitive!" Said Fadhi, adjusting her hijab that was barely hanging on. "You should join the track team, I bet they won't mind having a star athlete in their group,"

     Niamh laughed, shaking her head. "Trust me," She started, taking a few deep breaths as she attempted to catch her breath. "I'm an old lady."

     "No old lady runs like that, darling!" Piped up Dasha, popping her head over Fadhi's shoulder and wagging her finger at Niamh. "You can come with me, I can introduce you."


     The loud crash of cymbals vibrated throughout the theatre. In a gradual manner, the lights slowly dimmed, leaving a single spotlight on the wooden stage. The gold trimmings sparkled under the white light, burning Niamh's eyes as she squinted to look at who was going to speak. Despite the startling sound, whispers and loud chatter continued. A chorus of shushes joined the noise, making little to no difference in the amount of noise that echoed around them. Despite the noise, a faint tapping on the only microphone that stood on stage was enough to capture many of the girl's attention. Once her eyesight adjusted to the brightness, Niamh noticed it was none other than Greta. The woman stood rigidly. Her long, bony fingers gripped the microphone as she took a moment to look at the audience.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2021 ⏰

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