Ben's house

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A/n I love that meme so much anyway have a good day

Y/n's P.O.V.
Ben runs inside his house before us and does god knows what. We're all walking down the hallway while Eddie and Richie were ranting with their little lovers quarrel while I just followed the rest of the group to Bens room. We get inside his room and looked around. There were papers everywhere like missing posters, deaths, random places, etc.
"Woah woah woah wow." I hear Richie say from behind me.
"Cool huh?" Ben asks smiling
"No, nothing cool" Richie says. Wow way to make the new kid feel welcome Rich.
"Well this is cool." Eddie says walking up to something on the wall "no no it's not" he finishes
"What's that?" Stan asks pointing to something else on the wall and I walk over and stand next to Richie and Stan.
"Oh that? That's the charter for Derrys township." Ben explains
"Nerd alert." Richie says in a terrible robot voice.
"Actually it's really interesting. Derry started as a beaver trapping camp-" Ben says but of-course get cut off by Richie making a dirty joke as always.
"Still is am I right boys?!" Richie says raising his hand for someone to high-five it. Stan grabs his hand and puts it down.
"Ninety-one people signed the charter that made Derry but later that winter they all disappeared without a trace." Ben says. A shiver went down my spine as I stepped back. Stan realized this and grabbed my hand in comfort. 'Thanks' i mouthed.
"The entire camp?" Eddie asks with a quiver in his voice.
"There were rumors of Indians......but no sign of attack. Everyone thought it was a plague or something. But it's like......... one day everyone just woke up and... left. The only clue was a trail of bloody clothes leading to the well house." Ben says
"Jesus Christ." I whisper. Stans hand squeezing my hand so hard he's cutting off my circulation.
"Uh Stan?" I say
"Hm? Oh uhm- sorry." he says letting go of my hand and looking down at his shoes. Everyone's looking at us by now with strange smiles. Shit.
"Erm i have to go home." I say waving and walking away. I get cut off by someone's hand.
"Wait ill ride with you lemme just get something." Stan says. I stand by the front door and wait.

Stans P.O.V.
I went back to Bens room in panic. I walk in and everybody's smirking at me. Great.
"Oooooo Stans got a girlfriend~" Eddie says in a dreamy voice
"Tell me the details of it later" Richie says with his usual smirking grin.
"I'm not stealing her virginity Richie god!" I say rolling my eyes and blushing like crazy.
"Treat her right if not I'll break your legs." Bev says smiling. I nod vigorously.
"Ok ok ok guys I'm gonna go now." I say
"Ok Stan well have f-f-fun" Bill says smirking.
"Jesus guys I'm not going to do anything." I say with wide eyes and blush creeping over my face.
"Ok! Jeez ok just get her home safe cant have anyone else go missing." Eddie says. I smile and walk out.

Y/n's P.O.V.
"Hey I'm done" Stan says walking toward me.
"Jesus Stan what took so long i could've done a whole puzzle while you were gone!" I joke. He looks down at his shoes and blushes.
"Hey i was joking. c'mon let's go home." I say putting my hand on his shoulder. He looks up with a small smile and we walk out the door and onto our bikes. It was very quiet but it was sort of a comfortable silence.
"Hey uh ill give your shirt back when I get changed at home-" I say
"No no keep it my dad said I had to wear it as a spare but I don't even like it so keep it" he cuts me off and smiles.
"Oh uh ok" I say looking down at the wheel spinning on my bike.
We get to my house and his house obviously.
"Thanks ill see you tomorrow Stan" I say waving at him and walking into the house. He waves with a smile.

Third person P.O.V.
Y/n gets inside of her house, goes to her room, shuts the door and slides down it with a big smile on her face. And over at Stans house he got inside said 'hello' to his mother and went to his room, closed the door and laid on his bed staring at the ceiling. When suddenly he gets a call.

Y/n's P.O.V.
Why why why why why. Why am I calling him I dunno.
"Hello?" Stans voice echos into the phone. Jesus oh no.
"Uh hey it's y/n" I say
"Oh hi y/n! Is there something wrong?" He asks
"No no I just realized I don't have food or money and I don't mean to invite myself over but-" I say nervously.
"Yes you can come over for dinner." he says. Thank god i haven't eaten since this morning.
"Thank you." I say with a sigh.
Now I'm at Stans door ready to knock. *knock knock* I hear feet come towards the door and become louder. Stans mom opens the door
"Oh hello miss y/n! Come in come in!" She says signaling I come in. I walk in and sit down at the table next to Stan. We exchange smiles.
"Pst my mom made y/f/f." Stan says (your favorite food)
"Yesss" I whisper

*time skip after dinner*

Damn Stans mom is so good at cooking.
"Thank you Mrs. Uris have a good night!" I say
"Bye y/n goodnight!" Stan says with a smile. Why does his smile have to be so cute.
"Goodbye miss y/n have a goodnight!" Stans mom says.
I get home and go to my room and my phone rings
"Hell-?" I ask
"Woah woah woah i was having dinner with the Uris' what the hell happened?! are you ok?!" I ask
"No im hearing voices in my sink." she says
"Jesus Bev are you high?" I ask
"This is not a joke I'm serious come over I need help I'm freaking out!" She yells into the phone
"Ok ok I'll be over in 5 minutes ok?" I say
"Ok" she says with a sigh "hurry."

A/n haven't updated in a day or two but here it is this took longer then intended but hope you enjoyed

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