The garage

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A/n Hello children I'm alive. Here's some cool Stranger Things fanart

Y/n's P.O.V.
"Look the storm drain. Thats where G-Georgie disappeared......t-there's the ironworks......and the b-black spot. Everywhere IT happens i-i-it's all connected by the sewers and they all meet up at the the well house" Bill says and I try to stay quite about my sister. We're all in his garage with the light turned off and a projector in-front looking at a big map. And I'm sitting between Richie and Stan with Eddie in-front of us.
"You mean the house on Neibolt street?" I ask
"You mean the creepy ass house where all the junkies and hobos like to sleep?" Richie says jokingly. Dude not now to soon.
"I hate that place. I always feel like it's watching me" Bev says and a shiver goes down my spine and i feel a hand grab mine. Look to my side and I see Stan with a scared face. Eddie takes a puff of his inhaler and starts hyperventilating.
"That's where I saw IT" Eddie breaths out. And Richie looks at him worried. Jesus just make out already. Damn I sound like Richie. "That's where I saw the clown." Eddie says taking another puff of his inhaler.
"Th-that's where IT lives" Bill says.
"I can't imagine anything wanting to live there." I say and Stan squeezes my hand tighter.
"Stan." I whisper looking down at my hand
"Sorry." he realizes and loosens his grip. And Eddie stands up
"Can we stop talking about this?! I can barely breath. It's summer. We're kids. I can barely breath I'm having a fucking asthma attack! I am not doing this!" Eddie say ripping the map off the wall.
"What the hell?! Put the map back!" Bill yells.
"Uh uh" Eddie shakes his head vigorously. And the projector starts flicking through slides.
"What's happening?" Bill asks himself as he looks at the projector.
"Didn't you only put in one slide Bill?" I ask getting up and trying to help.
"I-I thought I did" Bill says. As the projector is flicking through old photos of Bills family it lands on one and starts to zoom in on Georgie and Bill looks up at the pictures I'm still trying to fix the projector not looking up.
"Georgie..." Bill says and I immediately stop and look up slowly. Georgie. Then it shifts over to Bills mom who has hair flowing in her face. It moves out of her face and it shows a white face. The clown. Stan gets up and grabs my hand.

Bev's P.O.V.
As the clown shows up on the screen I'm terrified but then I look to my right and see Stan holding Y/n's hand. Aww. Not the point time to be scared.

Y/n's P.O.V.
"WHAT THE FUCK?!" Richie exclaims
"WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?!" Richie exclaim yet again
"I DON'T KNOW!" Eddie screams. I look back and they're holding each-other. Aww. Not the time y/n.
"TURN IT OFF!" Bev yells
"TURN IT OFF!!" Bev yells again. And Mike kicks it off the stand it's on the floor and all the slides are spread out on the floor yet it's still clicking but slower. It clicks to the clown but blurry. Then the clown is gone. And then it goes dark and quite. All I can hear is heavy breathing. Then the fucking clown pops out of the screen with sharp teeth and looks at me with a huge grin. Me and Stan are frozen there still holding hands staring at the huge clown.
"STAN, Y/N, RUN!" Someone yells and we snap out of it and let go of each other. The projector keeps flickering on and off and I lose everyone i back myself into a corner and cover my eyes as I see the clown coming my way. Then suddenly the garage door flings open and light spills in.
"Thanks Ben" I say putting a hand on his shoulder walking over to Stanley and hugging him.
"IT saw us! IT saw us and it knows where we are!" Eddie squeaks and I let go of Stan.
"It always knew," Bill says "so let's go."
"Go? Go where?" Stan asks
"Neibolt," Bill says getting onto his bike "thats where g-g-Georgie is." Bill finishes
"After that?!" I yell
"Yeah it's summer we should be outside-" Stan agrees but gets cut off by Bill
"If you say 'it's summer' one more f-f-f-f-fucking time." Bill stutters out and starts to ride off.
"BILL!" Bev yells "wait!" She screams getting onto her bike. Ok I'm going to then.

A/n this one was shorter then expected but it's fine good day/goodnight

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