20. Safe in Your Arms

89 5 0

Published: 20/03/2021
Word Count: 3018

Sapphires P.O.V

It had been a week since the incident at Rafael's house and I hadn't seen him since. I was still trying to wrap my mind about what happened. His behaviour changed so fast I could've had whiplash.

Why was he so confusing?

Ignoring my inner conflict I put my headphones in and listened to music. I was sitting in the library because I had finished my work unlike my class and the teacher allowed me to complete any outstanding work I had.

Jokes on him, I never have any outstanding work. So this meant I could spend the last hour of school on Netflix. I put my phone on flight mode as it had been bombarded with annoying texts from Zane, this entire week he tried to speak to me but thankfully I always had one of my friends who made it clear that I wasn't interested in a conversation.


The bell rang, signalling the end of school, I stretched out my limbs and made an inhumane sound. I grabbed my bag and made my way outside, Mia and I were going straight to my house because today was Aiden's birthday party.

I was excited because I worked my ass off to save up enough money for his favourite trainers. For once I was excited for a party. I went out and bought a cute outfit. It was a black and red top and I was going to pair it with black jeans.

Mia and I walked to my house, when we made it to my house all we could hear was the laughter of Gramps coming from the kitchen.

"Let's go see what they are giggling about" Mia and I walked into the kitchen and burst out laughing. Grams had flour all over her face and dress.

"Don't you dare laugh at me!" She threatened us with her wooden spoon and we instantly shut up.

"What even happened?"

"This stupid man sneaked up behind me and scared the shit outta me. I had flour in my hands which I was going to use to bake cookies but now he can eat shit" She glared at him and stormed out of the kitchen and headed upstairs.

"I was only kidding, please make the cookies" He was a sucker for her cookies, I mean who wasn't they were delicious.

Gramps tried to outsmart grams by sitting in the seat that takes him up the stairs and he tried to grab her but she wasn't having it.

"Fuck you!" She showed him the finger.


Mia and I were singing our hearts away as we got ready. I attempted to do my own eyeliner and it came out good. As for the rest of my face I just copied what Mia did and I have to say I did a good job.

My hair was up in a tight ponytail, out of my face how I like it and it looked good with the entire outfit. I did a twirl in the mirror and Mia laughed at me.

"Someone's really feeling themselves"

"I'm just really excited about tonight." Aidens birthdays were always so much fun. There was music and good food.

We took some pictures before Dean came to pick us up. We turned towards Aidens house and my jaw dropped, there were so many people. I thought it was going to be a small party but I guess not. We made our way out of the car and headed for his house. Loads of people were already drunk and I shoved them out of my way.

"There he is!" Mia pointed out Aiden and we literally ran towards him. He wasn't in school today because it was his birthday and he 'didn't need that kind of negativity on his special day'.

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