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Pepper and I arrived home, I saw Morgan, Bucky and Sam.

"Rosa!" Bucky said.

I ran into his arms.

"You okay?" He asked.

"I'm actually all right." I said, letting go of Bucky.

"What's up with the leg?" Sam asked, hugging me.

"Got shot." I said.

"How are you saying that so casually?" Bucky asked.

"I've been in more pain than I am right now." I said.

"Anyways, where's my Morgan?" I asked.

"Here!" She said as she jumped into my arms.

"Happy gave me the duck. Thanks." She said, smiling.

After dinner Morgan and Pepper went to bed and I sat outside with Buck and Sam.

"We've really been through a lot, huh?" I said.

Bucky chuckled "we really have."

"I want a break." I sighed.

"You'll get one, kid. It'll come." Sam said.

"Speaking of...how's Parker?" Bucky asked.

"What do you mean speaking of? That had nothing to do with him. You make no sense." I said.

"I like him. A little annoying, though." Sam said.

"I'm with you on that one." I said.

Sam laughed.

I see his face [5] Far From Home  Where stories live. Discover now