9-Veince Pt.2

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me and Parker were stood in an alley way far away from the group, something was bothering him and I wanted to calm him down so he wouldn't get upset. "Hey, are you trynna annoy me?" Peter asked as he broke the silence. "Huh?!" I asked. "You and Brad, you were all over him." He stuttered.

"I'm sorry?" I asked. "You know what I'm talking about, don't play dumb." He groaned . "Peter, don't start with me." I sighed "You were!" He defended. I sighed "why are you getting so angry?" "You know why..." he stuttered. "You were all over MJ! I saw the way you were looking at her...don't try me right now." I warned.

"I was not looking at her." He rolled his eyes"You're right, you weren't looking at her...you were staring, drooling." I corrected. "Rose—" he began. I interrupted him "no...don't do that. I had a go at Brad earlier for no reason, so, I apologised to him, he was very understanding and I thanked him for that. That's all. You got any explanation for your thing?" I asked.

He stayed silent. "Yeah...I thought so." I nodded, I started walking off. Suddenly I felt and arm pull me back, I was confused, he let go. "What?" I groaned. Suddenly I felt his lips against mine, I really wanted to resist but, he got me. I put his face in the palms of my hands.We both pulled away, our foreheads still touching. "I'm sorry." He whispered. "It's fine, Parker. Just, don't get so jealous." I chuckled. He smiled and I walked back to the group.

I see his face [5] Far From Home  Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora