Seeing Cleo

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When we got to the boardwalk I literally jumped out of the car before it even came to complete stop. "Isabelle slow down!" Mom said. "Sorry mom." I said. I walked around for a minute before I saw, Cleo. "Cleo!" I shouted. "Hey Isabelle!" Cleo shouted back. "How's it going?" I asked. "I'm good. You?" Cleo asked. "Good." I said. My mom came over and said. "Hi Cleo. How are you?" " Hi Miss Emerson, I'm good." Cleo said. "Anyways girls I'm going to look for a job, the boys are going to a concert, but you can do whatever you want." Mom said. 

"Okay thanks mom, bye." I said. "Yeah thanks ms. Emerson." Cleo said. "No problem girls, bye." Mom said. With that my mom left. "Okay I guess me and Sam will go now but it was nice seeing you again Cleo." Michael said. "Yeah it is." Sam said. "It was nice seeing you's to." Cleo said. With that Sam and Michael also left.

"Okay what should we do?" I asked. "I know we should go on all of the rides at the amusement park." Cleo said, excitedly. "Okay." I said. Cleo and I went on all the rides and played all the games. After that we went a restaurant. I ordered a chess pizza and Cleo just got fries. "So what else is there to do other than the amusement park?" I asked Cleo. "Oh there's a lot of things to do other than the amusement park. There's the beach of course, there's a ice cream shop and also there's a comic shop. She said." " Did you just say COMIC SHOP!" I basically yelled, that made people look at me weird. Did I mention that I love comics, I have all sorts of comics. Horror, action you name it. "Yes." Cleo said. "Okay you have to take me there." I said. "Sure I'll take you there later." Cleo said. "You know I was so happy when I heard you and Sam we're moving here." Cleo said. "Sam aye." I said, teasingly. Okay, did I also mention that Cleo and Sam both have crush's on each other, but both to scared to admit it. "Really?" She said. Giving me a 'are you serious' look. "Okay. Sorry, I am happy I moved hear to." I said. "I know where going to have so much fun together, but I should warn you about this one biker gang on the boardwalk. There names are David, Dwayne, Marko and Paul. Their trouble, so stay away from them." Cleo said. "Okay I will." I said. We talked about all sorts of things, I also gave her advice on telling Sam she like's him. "Isabelle how do I know if Sam even like's me?" Cleo asked. "Okay Cleo don't tell Sam I told you this, because he would kill me, but Sam like's you to." I said. "Really are you sure?" Cleo asked. Not sure if she should believe me. "I'm positive. When have I ever lied to you?" I said. "Okay, Anyways I guess we should go find your brothers." Cleo said. "Yeah I guess." I said. 

With that Cleo and I headed to the place where the concert is, to find Michael and Sam. When we got there they were playing I still believe. By Tim Capello. Finally after a while but I still don't know how we found Michael and Sam.

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