Grandpa's house

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After all of that we started unpacking. Since there are only three rooms Sam and I have to share one, because mom has her own room and Michael has his own room because he's older. Which I think is unfair. It's not that I don't love Sam, I mean he is my twin brother. I just think should have my own room because, you know puberty and stuff. Grandpa's house is pretty cool, I mean it looks like a wood loge. It also has a balcony on the second floor over looking the living room down stairs. Anyways when my brothers and my I got in there Michael said. "This place is kind of cool." " I agree." I said. "Yeah, for the Texas chainsaw massacar." Sam said. "Give mom a break Sam." Said Michael. putting stuff he was carrying down. "You know what's wrong with this picture? I don't see a tv, you know what that means if there's no tv? no mtv." Said Sam. "Sammy where flat broke." Said Michael. Lifting some weights. "Yeah come on Sam, let just take are stuff to are room." I said. Annoyed with, Sam's complaining. "Okay." He said.

A while into unpacking Micheal started to chase Sam, so I followed. "Hey guys wait for me." I called. "Hey mom when are gonna come help me and Iz?" Sam called. Running past mom. "Soon." Said mom then she called. "Hey guys no running in the house." Sam then opened a door and in the room was grandpa's taxidermy room. "Speaking of the Texas chainsaw massacar." I said. "Rules." Said grandpa out of nowhere. Nearly giving me a heart attack. "We got some rules around hear." Grandpa took us to the kitchen. Grandpa opened the fridge. "Now nobody touch's the second shelf, but me. That's where I keep my root beer and double stuffed Oreo cookies." Grandpa said. Outside Sam, Michael and I saw a plant and Michael made a smoking gesture. When we got to the living room Michael asked. "Hey grandpa is it true Santa Carla's the Murder Capital Of The World?"  "There are some bad elements here." Grandpa said. "Are you telling me we moved to the Murder Capital Of The World, are you serious grandpa?" Sam asked, nervous. "Well let me put it this way. If all the corpse's buried hear were to stand up all at once, we'd have one hell of a population problem." Grandpa said. The hell is he serious? Now I'm definitely not going to sleep tonight. Then grandpa said. "When the mail man bring's the tv giude on Wednesdays, sometimes the address label will curl up. You'll be tempted to peel it off, but don't. You'll only end up ripping the cover and I don't like that." He walked over to his taxidermy room. "Oh and stay out of hear." Grandpa said. He started closing the door, but Sam stopped him and said. "You have a tv?" Which grandpa returned by saying. "I just like to read the tv giude, to read the tv giude you don't need a tv." With that grandpa closed the door.

I was hanging up my posters in mine and Sam's room, when Sam came up and said. "Hey Iz it's time to go to the boardwalk and see Cleo." " Okay I'm coming." I said. I went down stairs, put my shoes on and we were off to the boardwalk. "I can't wait to see Cleo." I said. "Me to." Sam said. "Well I know you can't." I said. "Shut up." He said. I laughed, I can't wait to get to the boardwalk.

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