Looking for mother.

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When My Brother B was born he was my heartbreaker I loved him, but he took my place and I no longer felt the connection that I felt before and I wanted to find it again,so I started searching and  I used the  telephone on the kitchen wall,and  call the operator and gave her my full name told the lady  I lived with my father William Neal on Reese Street in Whittier and that I was looking for my mother. She asked me what my Mothers name was, I told her  I didn't know, and before I could get any answers here comes my step mother in the front of the house it was a bright sunny morning, I thought I was going to get in trouble but she was so understanding. I started crying I told her that I was sorry I asked her not to tell Daddy she said that she wouldn't

When my father asked how that happened, she told him that she caught me on the kitchen telephone talking with the phone operator, and that I was looking for my real mother. She told my father that she over heard me saying to the operator that I live with my father, and I wanted to live with my mother, when the operator asked me for my mother name, I told her that I didn't know it and when she asked me my name, I told her Stephanie Neal. She asked me how old I was, I told her I was 10 and she asked me if anyone was home and then I hanged up the phone, and as I turned around I saw my step mother

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