Chapter VII. No Return To The Norm

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"No /Y, N/ /you/ aren't listening, Karate is dangerous and and entering the tournament after just a few classes is not a good idea, I I don't want you hurt, please?" 

"Well I'm doing it, I'll be fine," 

"/Y, N/ please don't do this?" "You don't believe in me? That's it isn't it?" It stings you saying it, knowing that's perfectly untrue, and it looks like it cuts Jimmy like a knife since he winces "No no that's not it at all, I—," "This is it isn't it?" He looks in confusion at you "What's what?" You bite your lip gently  "I think we should take a break," you say and walk away leaving him staring after you 

You bump into Tommy on the way and seeing Jimmy just staring, teary eyed as you walk away, Tommy feels anger rise up and shouts something at you after he learns from Jimmy, what just happened. 

It stings a little, hearing what Tommy yelled at you, the both of you considering yourself good friends, and you yell back, something you don't mean, something that hurts as soon as it leaves your lips, but you're too angry to take it back... honestly, the nerve of your — boyfriend — yeah, you consider him that, Jimmy and you are a couple — or — were, up till now, and it hurts like hell, and just because he won't allow you to enter into the tournament. You sign up immediately after and go back to Mr. Miyagi's to train, halfway through, feeling tears coursing down your face, and when Daniel starts asking questions, you break down even more. 

You go home and don't even answer the telephone when Jimmy calls to apologize. 

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