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I lifted my head as I heard muffled talking coming from outside my dorm door.

I put my ear up to the door to listen.

"You ask her" I heard a voice I recognised as Ron's say.

"No you do it, she's your girlfriend" I heard Harry's voice snap back.

"She's not my girlfriend!" Ron exclaimed.

I slowly opened the door and peeked out at them both.

I leaned against the door frame as I waited for them to stop arguing and realise I was looking at them.

Harry looked over a me and jumped slightly when he noticed I was watching them.

"Oh, Eliza. Hi there" he said quietly while pushing up his glasses.

Ron looked at me and his ears turned red as he hid something behind his back.

"What's that Ron?" I asked him with raised eyebrows.

As he was about to answer Harry interrupted him.

"It's definitely not our potions homework that we need you to help us with" he blurted.

"Harry!" Ron complained while hitting his arm.

I held the door open fully indicating for them to come in.

They sat crossed legged on the floor next to my bed.

I snatched the homework's from Ron as I sat on my bed and set it with all my stuff.

"I assume what you mean by help you with your homework is that you want me to do it for you? I asked.

"Well, if you're offering" Ron replied as they both grinned.

I rolled my eyes but started to copy my answers down onto their papers, changing the wording slightly on each.

They both looked around my room boredly from where they were sitting as I wrote.

I looked down at Ron briefly as he looked under my bed and his eyes lit up.

"Wow" he gasped as he pulled something out from under it.

"You play the guitar?" Harry asked as Ron unzipped my guitar case.

"I only know like two songs because I got sick of the lessons quickly, but if you consider that playing then yes I do"

Harry furrowed his eyebrows at me.

"If that was the case then I'd be fluent in french because Jackson taught me how to say bonjour, je m'appelle Harry James Potter"

"Alright you sarcastic prick" I said jokingly rolling my eyes at him as he stuck his tongue out at me.

Ron was fiddling with the tuning pegs while Harry and I mocked each other.

He pulled the guitar onto his lap properly and took us both by surprise when he started to play.

Me and Harry both looked at each other with wide eyes as he played a song neither of us knew, but whatever it was it sounded good.

Ron bit his bottom lip slightly as he concentrated, his hair bouncing on his forehead slowly as his hands moved.

I watched him mesmerised as his hands moved quickly over the strings and he softly hummed the same tune.

He glanced up at me as I was watching him before looking back down with a satisfied expression that he'd caught me staring.

"Where did you learn guitar?" Harry asked.

COPPER HEADS- Ron Weasley fanfic Where stories live. Discover now