Even in the dark, Alex felt his face grow red and warm with embarrassment. Though it was a spur-of-the-moment decision, it was still a stupid decision to leave the girl- the injured girl- alone, by herself, after hearing a literal gunshot.

Alex crept closer to the boys though, despite himself, with the hopes of helping at least to untie Zack and Rian.

"She's upstairs," Alex clarified. His own voice registered in his ears and he sounded just as scared. Though, Zack didn't think this explanation was acceptable at all. "She hurt her leg. I was carrying her around for like twenty minutes maybe. We were trying to find you both so we could get out of here. I-I guess someone else found you first?"

"No shit," Jack answered, clearly bothered. "No more small talk. We're leaving." Jack kept fiddling with Zack's rope as Alex balanced the flashlight on Rian's lap to undo his double-knotted one. Even in the dim light, he could tell Rian's forehead was bleeding. Not too badly. But still bleeding.

Zack stood up. He stretched his arms once, before beginning to walk towards the stairs. Alex got Rian awake (which Alex thanked his lucky stars for), and looped his arms around Rian's for the boy's balance. They too began walking towards the stairs.

Rian was clearly still sort of out of it. His head hung almost limply at his neck and his eyes would barely stay open. His feet moved in the right direction and Alex took a second to appreciate the fact that his friend was still able to at least walk. All four boys shuffled forward a few feet.

Until a door opened on the other side of the basement. All of them stopped moving.

Jack turned his flashlight off.

Zack rolled his eyes at this gesture, but he felt his adrenaline start coursing through his veins again.

Alex and Rian's hearts both began to beat at an insane rate, sweat began forming on every inch of their bodies. All four boys' hair was standing up. Chills went down their spines. Fear was forming in every single one of their stomach's

A man emerged. An old man. He looked skinny, dirty, hairy. He probably hadn't shaved in a few weeks, maybe months. The hair atop his head was even overgrown. He had no shoes on, but two sweatshirts and a jacket, even though that many layers weren't necessary. It was cold. But not two sweatshirts and a jacket type cold. He had on a pair of evidently very old jeans. A knife was fitted into one of his hands and a shotgun in the other.

Alex's breath caught in his lungs.

The man, being way closer to the stairs than the boys in the huge basement, blocked the only way to said stairs with his big body.

"This isn't your house." He sounded drunk. He sounded groggy like he was sick and tired and needed a three-week nap.

"Listen, we're just gonna go." Jack insisted. "We're super sorry for bothering you, we never meant to." His voice was scared; shaking. Jack would later admit that the sight of the gun had made him pee a little.

Rian, regaining some greater consciousness, groaned as Alex whispered something about needed to get upstairs to Jasey Rae. Despite still not fully cognitive yet, Rian couldn't fathom how stupid of a decision that was on Alex's part. His head throbbed.

"No." The man stated. As simple and clean as that.

"No?" Zack croaked.

ONE NIGHT - ALEX GASKARTH ✓حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن